Visitor Out of Place!

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Severus knocked on the door three times. He hoped on the hope that Regulus would open the door, he needed closure, even if Regulus was with someone else now. He couldn't help but remember all the things they did and all the memories they had once shared. They spent a majority of their time together in their youth, from laughter to anger to pain. Supposedly Durmstrang struck up the 'Brothers in arms' quality in all their attendants, but the way Regulus and Severus loved each other was not a typical brotherly love.

Unwanted emotions travelled through him, longing the most prominent. Ignoring the turmoil inside himself, he focused on the sound of footsteps growing closer and closer. The man who opened the door looked older than he remembered, hardly looked like his Regulus at all. Silver eyes, all the same, but this man stood taller and fuller in width. His chiselled jaw is hidden behind both a foresting beard and long, wild curly hair.

"What?" His face showed no emotion, a lack of anything but the colour in his almond skin.

"Is this the Black residence?" Before an answer could be heard, he reiterated.

"Sorry I mean, I know this is the Black manor, I was just taken off guard by your appearance" The other man quirked a brow at Severus' stupidity as his lips pursed.

"Who are you?" He breathed out through his nose before he spoke again.

"And what do you want?" The moment of truth. Severus took a steadying breath before he looked again into those sharp silver eyes.

"My name is Severus Prince Snape" He let go of eye contact with the other man.

"Aah, well I was looking for Regulus" The other man stopped pursuing his lip, the stranger tilted his head sideways as his eyes fluttered over Severus.

"Regulus isn't here anymore" Severus paused for a breath, trying hard to deny himself his emotions. Swallowing hard, ignoring the dropping feeling in his gut he smiled and looked behind the man before him.

"Do you know where he is? I-if you do, can you tell me where t-" He pushed the door open wider, revealing an all too familiar setting.

"Come inside if you want" Without preamble, without fully understanding, he followed behind.

"Th' name is Sirius, Reggie hasn't been... around, for a while." Severus felt a smiling worm its way into his lips.

"Oh, Sirius. I've heard about you, he's told me a lot." Severus Followed Sirius through the now empty halls of the Black manor. Portraits of the family members that used to hang are now gone, save for the portrait of Alphard Black who smiled down at Severus. Before he could say anything, Kreacher appeared with a cup of tea.

"Black, no sugar Like master Snape likes it" His voice was just as haggard as always, he turned to Sirius.

"Nothing for the blood-traitor" Severus winced. He already knew the story of the older Black.

"Thank you, Kreacher-"

"Get me a coffee" Kreacher turned, the slight of a sneer forming on his face. Sirius picked up a magazine from off the table and threw it at him.

"Now!" Without realizing they had made it there, he sat at the kitchen table, his eyes never leaving Sirius.

"What?I am the heir to the Black manor, I am here. " His eye was calculating as he stared Severus down, the latter compelled to breath deeply. Considering his next choice of words, Severus smiled politely.

"Ignorance is something that is taught, time heals all. He'll learn to treat you respectfully" Sirius thought for a moment or two, taking into account his words. Severus hoped he didn't offend him. He wanted to know where Regulus was, where everyone was. Something felt wrong, the air in the room chilled and he could feel the tension seep into the other man.

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