
Start from the beginning

'it's probably because of the compliment! i get flustered cause of them and don't know how to respond! yeah, that's it! no feelings, nothing!'

"because you're beautiful"

you held your head in your hands and rolled on the bed, trying to get his voice out of your head.

'maybe i should talk to him about it! yeah that'd a good idea, y/n!'

'i can tell him that i feel something towa-'

your eyes widened and you slapped yourself again.

'what the fuck? i don't feel anything towards him! nothing! nothing! it's just in my head!'

your phone vibrated next to you as you picked it up. new message it read;

you opened it and was met with eren's contact.

weirdo ☀️💚

fuck! we have a problem! 19.00pm

19.00pm what's wrong?

my dad found out i've been taking drugs from the store 19.01pm

19.01pm oh...
19.01pm and now what?

'we're all fucked!'

you got up and took the bag of drugs from your desk. while you waited for a response, you looked at your options. ketamine. cocaine. molly. heroin. xanax...

your hands were shaking from how anxious you were. anxious about eren and what was gonna happen to him. without even thinking straight, you took four xanax and three molly pills.

'please be alright, eren!'

your phone chimed and you grabbed it quickly, unlocking it instantly.

weirdo ☀️💚

i'll try to convince him they're only for me and connie! i'll keep you out of this, don't worry! 19.02pm

19.02pm so you're just gonna risk connie so i won't be found out? he hardly does anything...

connie told me to say that! i messaged him earlier cause i wasn't sure if i should tell you! 19.03pm

19.03pm i'm anxious af, that's why?

basically yeah... 19.03pm

19.04pm fine! go and tell him! i'll wait for your text!

you're the best! i'll be right back! don't disappear on me 19.04pm

you smiled and closed your phone. but the gut feeling you had, didn't disappear.

'something's gonna happen...'

you anxiously bit down on your nails, before you made a white line of cocaine, with shaky hands. you breathed in before you lowered your head closer to your desk, and took the whole line. you wiped your nose and you stared at the small clock on your nightstand. 19.05.

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 (𝘯𝘰𝘵) 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 / 𝘦. 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now