
Mulai dari awal

differently from yeonjun and ruby, seokjin wasn't half blooded. his mother was the first queen of hell, a demon who had married the king before the existence of the other two mother was even acknowledged. the woman was too ambitious for her own good though, resulting in hyukjun himself killing her and leaving the male without a maternal figure.

"no it doesn't! everything related to daniel stopped concerning you in the moment you abandoned him!" ruby raised her voice, not able to stand the other's face. "you promised him, and yet you turned your back when he needed you!"

"i was a kid when i made such promise, too foolish and naive."

"FOOLISH?! HE'S YOUR BROTHER!" the female wasn't able to control herself anymore, starting to scream loudly.

"stop screaming, ruby. you are not a child anymore."


"pull yourself together, this is no behavior of royalty." seokjin said sternly, not liking the mannerless attitude of the other.

"YOU AND YOUR ROYALTY BULLSHIT CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES!" the girl used her blood to make a thorn, throwing it at her brother after. the male dodged the crimson blade, staring at her coldly. he tsked, looking at ruby in the eyes, he wasn't having it with her behavior.

"DON'T DO THIS SHIT!" the half crystalian screamed, closing her eyes and holding her head in her hands. all anger vanishing from her body and leaving her with numbness instead, she looked up calmly, her emotions not being in her control anymore. "i hate you."

ruby despised her brother for using his power on her, manipulating her emotions like she was a doll. he always did so when she lost control, getting inside her mind and turning her into a docile pet, as if she wasn't a person or his sister at all.

"you gave me no choice." seokjin was the one with most alike powers to the king. hyukjun was able to manipulate people minds, getting inside their heads and using them like puppets, while the oldest heir controlled people's emotions.

"leave my room." ruby calmly sat on the bed, staring at the other with blank eyes.

"i see you won't be of any help." the male nodded, a smirk growing on his plump lips. "would it help if i told you hongjoong will pay for your silence?"

"you wouldn't dare." the girl's eyes glistened in worry, not matching her expressionless face.

"i already did."

the younger closed her eyes, hating her brother more each second that passed. hongjoong was her best friend, her everything, and she knew he already paid enough when his wings were taken from him. she couldn't possibly make the male suffer more because of her.

"what do you know about yeonjun, ruby?" the girl could swear she imagined more than a hundred scenarios of the demon in front of her being killed painfully. she knew none would turn into reality though, because seokjin was way more powerful than her. the girl bit her lip, wanting to get angry but not being able too, instead just feeling empty.

"he has the crystal." she knew she had to tell something, and the less important information was about the crystal. ruby wouldn't dare to tell yeonjun she had gave the information though, she was actually more afraid of the red haired than she was of her oldest brother. she knew yeonjun was way more similar to her father than seokjin was.

"mira's blood crystal? we've been looking for it for years and you knew it was with that bastard?" the male shook his head, an amused look on his face. "father will love to know that."

ruby felt a shiver run down her spine, reminding her of what would happen to her when the king know about it. for sure, wouldn't be something nice.

"of course he will. just please don't let him do anything with hongjoong, brother." the taller looked at her for a moment, eyes pleading to leave the blood fairy out of the matter.

"okay." he nodded. seokjin loved his sister, even if caring more about the throne than her wellbeing. in the end, sparing her best friend wouldn't affect him, so he was willing to do it. "i can't garantee anything though, you know that."


the male hummed, getting up from the chair and patting the girl's head before walking to the door. when he was with his hand on the doorknob, the older stopped, turning to his sister.

"you should stop seeing him. father is starting to lose his patience and i wouldn't want you to get more hurt than your already do." he opened the door, not facing the other anymore. "yeonjun is not worth it."

ruby saw her brother leaving the room and closing the door after, finally being able to feel emotions that belonged to herself, all the anger going back to her at once. she got up from the bed, leaving the bedroom and heading to the throne room, where she knew her father would be.

the girl opened the door, walking to the king, who looked at her with a cold expression, eyes burning her soul in every step she gave. ruby smirked, stopping in front of her father and staring back at him. she wasn't able to think rationally anymore, consumed by way to many emotions and hate.

"i hope you rot in guilt when something happens to your dead wife's child. mom would be disgusted by you if your obsession with power hadn't killed her already."

the slap she received made a loud noise echo through the room and was so hard the girl fell on the ground, raising her head only to see hyukjun getting up. she knew she crossed the line, just like she knew she wouldn't have the same luck as yeonjun to get disinherited, the king wouldn't risk losing a child with powers he could benefit from.

"the one rotting with guilt will be you when i kill your wingless little friend, kim ruby." the man stared at her, his long and dark wings adding to the powerful and threatening aura he had. "and i will do it in front of you." he grabbed the girl's hair, raising her head up and looking in her eyes. "i seems like just killing your mother wasn't enough. if you want more blood in your hands, i will give it to you."

"father." seokjin entered the hall, his brows furrowing when seeing his sister on the floor. he didn't speak a single word about it though, ignoring the scene as best as he could. "one of the informants just got back. seems like yeonjun has fangs and was about to bite someone. the someone being the angel we already saw him with before."

the king let go of his daughter harshly, making her hit her head on the floor. he tilted his head, a smirk growing on his lips as if he just got everything he wanted.

"i see." hyukjun turned himself and sat back on the throne, nodding with dark eyes. "get the angel, seokjin."


𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang