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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 ran a hand through his hair, walking sloppily through heaven and hating how light his back felt, his wings weren't there. the brown and short hair wasn't his too, nor the small shoulders and short body. it was weird to change all his structure, and species, but necessary.

the demon waved at the gargoyle who was beside the back gate of the castle, receiving a friendly smile back before the other opened the silver and big gate, letting him in. yeonjun walked with tense shoulders and moving his hands more than necessary, it was some type of habit the person he stole the appearance of had, and he needed to be perfect if he wanted no one to realized the person standing there wasn't one of the crystalians workers of the palace, but a demon.

"good afternoon, sammy." the gargoyle said before waving his hand, closing the gates behind him. yeonjun smiled.

"good afternoon!" the voice wasn't his, nor the smile, both were from sammy, whose surname yeonjun didn't care enough to know. the real crystalian was passed out in an alley, in limbo, and wouldn't remember a thing when awake. the two small holes on his neck wouldn't disappear though, that is, if yeonjun hadn't way too much power for a normal being, which let him cure the small injury and leave no traces of what happened.

the demon could still feel the metallic taste of blood on his tongue, making him almost regret not having actually enjoyed it instead of just swallowing enough to steal someone else's identity. it was funny how easy was for him to step inside heaven, even when being forbidden to, and way funnier how he was inside the castle's ground and the magic barrier hadn't detected his magic. the barrier was made to not let prohibited people, or magic, inside, but it couldn't protect the place from something no one ever heard of, saw or had.

yeonjun's powers were too unique to be known by others, way more when he hid them all his life.

the previously red haired whistled a song softly, slowly directing himself to the garden while greeting cheerfully the small amount of other workers, it was already late for a lot of people to be outside. he stopped when facing the fountain, looking around discreetly to see if anyone was close, and opening the small door after. yeonjun stared at the small hidden garden, closing the door and going back to his own appearance, sighing in content when able to feel his big and heavy wings. he just had to wait now.

soobin felt his heartbeat quicken in excitement, biting his lips and putting the letter back on the table after reading it for the twentieth time. he held the urge to smile largely, reminding himself he was still mad at the demon, but his lips still curled upwards. he was too happy to just ignore it. the male stared at the clock resting on his nightstand, seeing it was still half an hour until the time yeonjun had specified.

the angel sat on his bed, anxiously shaking his leg and wishing time would go faster. of course, it didn't, so soobin got up and stared at himself in the mirror again, checking if he still looked as pretty as before. the truth was, he was even prettier. after he went back to his room and saw the letter for the first time, he still had four hours until eleven, and so, decided to put some makeup on. he had to make yeonjun regret disappearing for days after all.

soobin had a light and glittery pink eyeshadow on his eyes, the color contrasting with the pastel blue he put under the external corner of his eyes. his lips were rosy as always and glossy after the raspberry chapstick he put on them, it wasn't much, but he looked as ethereal as ever, way more with the white wings adorning his body. the pastel blue sweater and white skirt were still there, accentuating his petite waist and long legs. his white lace choker around his neck.

the male looked at the clock again, biting his lips for the nth time when seeing there was still some minutes until eleven. he couldn't wait to see the red haired, missing the male's velvety voice, plump lips, flirty smirks and foxy eyes. the angel could barely remember he was mad at the male at this point. either way, he stared at his adorned in silver ceiling, waiting for what felt like an eternity until the clock displayed the so waited number.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now