Dogging It

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And there they were, her sister helping Sirius Black, believing it was Sirius Black.

"Well, it's not hard to believe he's Sirius Black when he's turned transformed in and out of his Animagus form, albeit not in front of her," Serenity thought to herself as Sarah insisted Peggy eat a healthy breakfast that she would be making pancakes and sausage and eggs, to which Sirius was glad for a home-cooked meal. Still, the pervert was now acting like a perfect gentleman, and it wasn't as if he'd just seen her sister in an undressed state just minutes before.

"You can stop glaring at me now," Sirius said, still grinning ear to ear while giving her a look that said she'd better back off despite not having said anything.

Peggy turned her head and looked at her. "Why are you glaring at Sirius?"

"Because he's a pervert."

"Oh, come on," Sirius sighed.

"You asked if you spent the night. As in had..."

"Serenity!" her sister said. "Not in front of Peggy."

"Well, pardon me for thinking I'd spent the night where I woke up," Sirius said as he continued eating, and Peggy picked away at her food. "And you still haven't told me what kind of perverted thing I've done in those books of yours?"

"You just did."

"Perverted thing? He's like, what in those books?"

"I'm not good at math."

"He's thirty-two when he escapes Azkaban and thirty-six when he dies," Peggy said, having done the math in her head. And then, she asked. "If we help Sirius save Regulus, does that mean he doesn't die either? Because I like Sirius."

"I like you too. And what does she mean I die?"

That was when Sarah filled Sirius in on what happened after they'd left off with the movies, about the veil and how he'd fallen through it and how it was a gate into the afterlife or something like that, but that he wasn't there for Harry when he started hunting Horocrux which in turn led to them telling him Harry and his friends finished what Regulus began to.

And all the while, Mary Poppins was playing in the background because when Peggy suggested finishing the movies to fill Sirius in, Sarah was quick to point out that the film didn't actually cover everything in the books, having left out a few details, with Regulus not even making an appearance despite his level of importance within the series. She also pointed out that they should put on something less depressing for Sirius's sake.

To which Peggy decided to pick out Mary Poppins. Serenity frowned. "Why?"

"Because it's British, and it's magical."

To which votes greeted them for women, which Sirius looked at in confusion, not being familiar with history along with some of the other oddities to the movie as Peggy noted they were different from the books and that if you watched Saving Mr. Banks, you would understand why Disney made the changes and Serenity could honestly not care about her sister's more ecliptic take on fandom, always becoming obsessed with the strangest things—Harry Potter being the only thing they had in common.

"You should take Regulus to Disneyland Paris after you rescue him. I think he'd like it."

"Regulus is what. Fourteen? Fifteen?" Serenity sighed. "Not eleven."

"I don't think Sirius can go wrong in taking his younger brother to an amusement park, but to clarify here, it would be the one for the United Kingdom. Though does it exist? I mean, when they were kids?"

"1992, so he and Regulus can take Harry to it after his first year at Hogwarts, and they can have lots and lots of fun, but Harry's parents should be alive as well, and they'll like it too!"

"And there's my sister for you," Serenity said, shaking her head. "At least she's not telling you to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Isn't that only in the United States?" She then had to ask. "And how did we get off the topic of how Sirius will get back to his world, let alone how he will save Regulus?"

"But it is about saving Regulus. It's about what he can do with his brother after he saves him," Peggy insisted, the Mary Poppins movie still playing in the background. Sirius was staring, a far-off look on his face to the point Serenity didn't think he was watching the movie, let alone listening to anything they said. But then, it was a lot to take in, what with Mary Poppins somehow ending up in the conversation with the Harry Potter books.

To which she found herself feeling bad for Sirius.

And then he asked, "Does the Ministry of Magic even exist in this world?"

"Does it exist in this world?" Serenity said. "Well, I would think not?"

"Yet I can use magic."

"But there could be different rules."

"Or it doesn't register me here because I'm not from this world, or something threw things off for some strange reason. And does this veil lead to the afterlife?"

"Well, that's what the books say. You are dead, or you wouldn't have appeared to be dead on the tapestry, right?" Sarah responded.

"I guess that is true," Sirius sighed, looking at the table. "But, if it were to exist, I'd want to try going through that veil. Because I think that might be how I got here in the first place."

"But then, wouldn't that mean your memories were erased when you went through? And you wouldn't be able to tell what age you were when you went through? And you'd end up being dead in..."

"I don't want Sirius to die!"

"I'm not going to die. Hell, I'll find a way of letting you know I'm still alive, Peggy, because I couldn't stand to see you cry," Sirius said. He would later ask Serenity and Sarah to fake it for him if he didn't somehow find a way of letting them know he was alive and fine within a year or two because he wanted to keep his promise of not making Peggy cry.

"But it would be a lie?"

"It's a kind lie," Sarah said. "And, I'll do it. I have an idea from the books on what you can do to get in, but from that, we'll know if the ministry exists. But if it doesn't, I think you should wait for someone to rescue you here, Sirius, not that I like you going through the veil either and think it will lead to your death."


"We've got to help him."

"But, we've said we don't know if he'll keep his memories or if he won't die."

"It's better than staying here doing nothing," Sirius said. "And, if Regulus can do something crazy like that, surely I can actually be a proper Gryffindor for once and be brave enough to save him?"

"But, you are a proper Gryffindor."

"If I were a proper Gryffindor, I wouldn't have run away from home with my tail between my legs, both figuratively and literally. I would have braved it out long enough to become of age and then take Regulus with me, away from that place. Because there is absolutely no way they'd have made me into a Death Eater, and me being there..."

"You don't know that for sure. That being in that house would..."

"What about that uncle of yours that you inherited from? What if you went to him for help?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't live long, does he?"

"Could it have been what was happening to the family that killed him, though? Of seeing what your parents are doing? Or, more specifically, your mother as Orion Black was never really mentioned in the books, so I have no clue what he did."

"Nothing," Sirius said. "But then, he—I guess not making waves is something Regulus got from him. Yet, if Regulus can..." Sirius took a deep breath. "I think maybe I might be able to find some allies. I mean, there's also Andy. And James. I need to ask for help and not run away from this."

"Okay. We'll help you. Just be sure to say goodbye to Peggy before you go."

"I'll be sure to do that."

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