dude with the shirt chp 2

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"Ah" y/n siad.
"Finally engrish class is finally over" she said as she walked down the hallway towards her locker. A tall blond dude with a chisled figure walked over to her. "o-oh hello!!!!!" y/n said, looking up at him because shes 4'1.

he ripped off his shirt with a mighty roar.

y/n bit her lip, strutting the other direction. she heard some girlzz whispering about her as she walked.

"oh em gee, i can't believe she walked away !!!!!!!"
"ugh such a main character moment 🙄🙄"

y/n smiled as she took long strides even though her legs were short. because deep down. she knew. she knew she was THE main character.

but she'd never admit it.

"oh MAH GOSH! im so uGlY??" y/n shireked as she looked into the mirror, her voice cracking on the word 'ugly.' suddenly, a hoard of girls, her "girlfriends" had been summoned, showering her in complements and "you're not ugly boo! boys are drooling over you!"

as she sombered out of the washroom she turned on her phone to see yet another guy in her class, sliding into her dms. ew.

as y/n walked by a girl, the girl scrunched up her nose, lifted her chin up in a haughty manner, and strutted off. "what was that about ?"

y/n doesn't know. y/n doesn't want to know. but y/n is nosy. so y/n's going to find out anyway.

because plot.
and because she's y/n.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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