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Aesthethic_Cherry asked...

Aesthethic_Cherry asked

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The question answers:

×"Favorite is Majin. Least favorite is Lord X."×
~"I don't have a favorite, but my least favorite is either Lord X or Sanic."~
¤"If I can't say myself, then I'd say either Lord X or Faker for my favorite, and Sanic for my least favorite."¤
^"Like I said before, I like everyone! And I don't have a least favorite."^
-"Can't say myself, eh? Then probably Xeno for my favorite, and Fleetway for my least favorite."-
&"I dislike everyone except for Sunky, and I guess that means my favorite is Sunky."&
="I don't have a favorite, but my least favorite is Sanic."=

Their responses to the notes you put:

×"Heh, it's alright. I've gotten used to it."×

-"Yeah yeah, you're welcome."-
="You're welcome, kid."=

="Yeah, Fleetway and Lord X can get annoying with their narcissistic attitudes.

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