
Start from the beginning

  The weather are warm as of today, though he doubt he'll be doing anything much.  

  Raising a hand as a light grey sweater levitate from the hanger along with a brown khaki trouser from the neatly stacked clothes. 

   He then manipulate its gravity, the sweater float above the pants, seemingly act as some sort of mannequin for him to view. 

  Once satisfied with the choice, Seojun walked away as the clothes descend on top of his bed gently. 

 Turning the switch on, he enters the bathroom with an indolent yawn escaping his dry lips. He'll need to use chapstick and eat more fruits later on. Seojun will put that in his agenda somewhere. 

  The young man then began to move around doing morning's task, such as brushing teeth, face washing, and a shower. Just some daily mornings really.

  Wrapping a towel around his waist as he started to blow dry his hair. Seojun's stoic face greets him as he took minutes to observe his own reflection, he really should dye his hair. 

  His once blue hair had began to churn, turning them in some sort of grey-bluish kind of colour. It is more silvery if anything else. 

  Dark cloudy eyes meet his gaze. He really inherited it from his father huh? Although he prefers to inherit his mother's eyes. They are beautiful and mesmerising in his opinion, but so does his father's. He just prefers mother's.

  Heaving a sigh, Seojun shut his eyes whilst his body gone lax, drowsy from the lack of sleep. Letting the power of gyrokinesis work its magic.

  The on-going hair dryer floats once the young man lets them go, some patches of his hair rise with the help of its power, letting the dryers wind them dry. And the process repeats with different parts of his hair.

  It really is a blessing that he is gifted with this kind of ability. If anyone would say that to him, Seojun would wholeheartedly agrees. It helps him tons with heavy lifting work, even the simplest task could be done within seconds!

  Not to mention how easy for him to immobilised someone easily without lifting any fingers nor foot to run for them.

  Praise him all for the fact his energy has fully recovered!

  Praise him all for the fact his energy has fully recovered!

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  Inhaling a breath, the young man braces himself with sparks of anticipation. It has been a full hour since he awaken from his slumber.  A cup of coffee in one hold, while the other held his mobile device.

  He had made a note to check up on his brother, Hyun-woo. The said man has been inside his thoughts for hours since they departed. Barely texting with each other, too afraid of disturbing his work.

  Those thoughts alone are the sole disturbance, the bane of his pain. Keeping him awake into godly hours in the night.

  Huffing, the young man grimaces remembering yesterday night, swearing in colourful speeches  that is said in a low whispering voice.

𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now