Eventually, Hope looked at the time
seeing that they had to get up soon to wake up the camp, Hope had planned today's camp activity and had a little surprise that Josie was probably not gonna like but Hope liked messing with Josie.

"Hey you have to get up," Hope said softly rubbing Josie's arm.

"Hmmm," Josie said sleepily.

"We have to get going".

"Okay," Josie said slowly blinking her eyes open and letting out a big stretch.

Josie got out of bed first and grabbed her pillow before hitting Lizzie with it continuously "time to get up".

"NOOOO" Lizzie yelled dramatically before Josie grabbed the blanket off of Lizzie.

"You are on my hit list" Lizzie glared before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Hope watched the scene with an amused smile.

Josie then turned her attention to Hope
"it's the only way she'll wake up if I don't do it she would stay in bed all day," Josie said smiling innocently.

And with that, they all got out of bed and started their day.


"Okay today's activity is gonna be rock
climbing, each person from every cabin will
go one at a time" Hope said over the microphone as she looked at all the eager campers.

Hope looked over at Josie and smirked
"and to show you how this activity is done we are gonna have counselor Josie climb the rock wall".

Josie looked at her with wide eyes.

"Come on counselor Josie" Hope smiled.

Josie then walked up to Hope "I'm gonna kill you" Josie mumbled before putting on the harness.

Josie then made her way to the rock wall
and started climbing it.

Did Josie ever mention she was afraid of heights?.

One Josie was at the top she looked down
she was at least 20 feet up in the air.

She looked at Hope seeing the girl smiling and waving at her while a lot of the campers were cheering her on.

"Now Josie is gonna demonstrate how you get down from the top".

Josie gulped.


About 5 minutes have passed of Josie just looking down at everyone who was waiting for her to come down.

"Any time now Jo" Hope said.

"I can't do it".


"I can't jump".

"Yes you can just jump I promise I'll catch you
if you fall" Hope said softly.

Josie looked at her and with much hesitation
she finally slid down but ended up falling the rest of the way, but true to her word Hope did indeed catch Josie.

Hope had caught Josie bridal style
and they were close and looking into each other's eyes "okay kids what I meant to say is Josie was gonna show you what not to do" Hope and Josie both then laughed before Hope gently set Josie down.

Hope then cleared her throat
"okay MG will show you the RIGHT way now".

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were afraid of heights" Hope frowned.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Hope Mikaelson" Josie smiled.

"Maybe that should change".

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