10 Years Later

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Well, It's been 10 years since Delirious and Shadow have been dating. So where are they now?

Delirious and Shadow got married after 4 years, and after 2 years of marrage they had a son. They named him Ted. When Ted was 4 they had a girl, her name is Lily.

Vanoss got a girl friend and they have been dating for 5 years. Still not married. That pretty much goes for everyone else, either married with children or not married. As for Wildcat, ah well you'll just have to read the other story to find out what happens with him.

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Heyyy people :3 So I thought I'd just give a little thing about what happened with this story. I know it's short, but I plan on doing this type of thing with 'I'm Not as Crazy as It Seems". So, I really hope you enjoyed this story, sorry about all those update chapter things. I should probably delete those.. But.... Ah who knows. Maybe I will? Maybe not? Hehe.. :P Until the next story...


~ Don't stop dreaming just because others think it's imposable ~

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