"Hey, talk in English!" It was Falcone's goon, the Penguin, by the looks of it. Stacey remembered staring at his ugly face when he exited the club, hiding behind her father's legs as they chatted. He had leered down at her and flashed his gold tooth.

Falcone ignored him, a hand coming up to stroke her face once again. "Non otterrai più questo affare."

You won't get this deal again.

"I don't want your deal. I don't want any of this!" Stacey spat, bearing her teeth and wriggling against her restraints. "My family left me nothing! I was forced to abandon Gotham, abandon the people I love just to escape the lies and the judgement. My own best friend turned against me for the sins of my family. But be aware, Carmine, when the day your sins come to the light, God will not be as kind to you as he was to me."

Falcone took a long moment, leaning back. Then he guffawed.

"You didn't come back for your money?"

Stacey baulked. "What money?"

Falcone and the Penguin looked between themselves, as if sharing a silent conversation.

"Alright." Falcone slapped his hands onto his knees and stood. "As a favor to your father, you're free to leave."

"What?" said Stacey and the Penguin at the same time, the latter unaware that this was the product of their silent exchange.

"I said," Falcone picked up the pool pole, surveying the abandoned game. "You are free to go. Oz, untie her."

Insulted, Penguin reluctantly slid out a knife, cutting the bonds of Stacey's wrists. She shoved him when he bent to take care of the rope around her legs and he landed with an "oof!" just as she slipped free and ran towards the exit.

"Tell your father I said hello!" Falcone called after her, sniggering at his henchman as he muttered curses after her.

Stacey flew through the nightclub, her doctor's coat and scrubs sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd. But, as she passed the bar, a person called out to her, then two people, then four. In a blink of an eye, she was surrounded.


"Stacey! You're back!"

"Are you taking over the club again now that you're back?"

"Excuse me!" She shouted over the hub, desperately trying to escape the people calling her name and touching her-

The crowd screamed as a dark entity landed on the railing next to them, parting the crowd as it stalked towards Stacey. She drew her arms to her head and closed her eyes, expecting the worst, but it never came. Instead, a pair of armoured gauntlets found her sides and she was swept off her feet, carried like a bride through the crowd, who were whispering in fear and surprise at the sight of the daughter of a disgraced mob boss in the arms of Gotham's own vigilante.

Stacey's body shook but she stayed silent, closing her eyes and bringing her hands up to cover her ears. The bass still thrummed throughout her body, but the voices dimmed to a mere mumble.

The door banged open and she jumped, the Batman holding her tighter against him.

He stood outside for a second, catching his breath, before letting her down.

Immediately Stacey careened forward and slapped his chest, pushing him down the sidewalk. "You dick!"

He blinked, hurt more by the tone of her voice than by the force.

"Ugh!" She stalked down the street, white coat flying behind her like the wings of an angel gearing up for flight.

Batman followed, of course he did, and soon he caught up to her, matching her strides with his own.

ANGELS WEEP || bruce wayneWhere stories live. Discover now