"Well, just remember, you don't have to do everything he asks. So, before you get excited and put on the cape-" Harrows voice trailed off as another figure appeared from the dark side of a building off to the side of them, pulling his attention away quickly.

It's body was thin and taller, taller then Khonshu, who was already over 8 feet tall, and had a staff on its own. At the top of it was a symbol, a sistrum. He didn't even need to see the rest of her to know who it was.

It was Bastet, the Goddess of Protection and Pleasure.

She stepped from the shadows, revealing the hovering cat skull above an almost skeleton like figure with purple, decaying skin covered in tan bandages, grey cloth, gold jewelry hanging from her neck and ears, and white tattoos.
(return back to details chapter for better idea)

Khonshu seemed just as shocked to see her as Steven was.

"My love-" He whispered, going to kneel on one knee, the same thing that he did every time he made a mistake and went to apologized to her.

"Don't," Bastet said in a harsh tone, "Nobody here wants your apology."

Khonshu stood back up, looking at the ground like a scolded child and nodded.

She looked at Steven, causing his entire body to freeze up under her gaze, and said, "You should kill him though. He is a terrible man who deserves to rot in the Du'at like the vile creature he is. Trust me, I have dealt with him through two generations of avatars, now three."

He stammered slightly, "Y-you are Goddess, Bastet. Wow.."

Harrow turned his head around like he would be able to see her like before, "You can see her? I suppose you would be able to. Now, what I was saying was that before you get excited and put on the cape, I'd love to take this opportunity to show you around."

The god wasn't having that though, causing a large gust of wind to blow through the alleyway, knocking a trash can over and caused Steven to let out a small yelp.

"It's alright, it's alright. That's all he can do without your help. Come."

The two of them started slowly walking away, Steven looking behind him at the two deities watching him, he was just barely able to hear their conversation over Harrow's talking.

"I like this one much more than the other." Bastet said, not turning her head when she saw out of the corner of her eye her husband whip her head towards her.

"What?! My avatar is much better than that puny worm!" He yelled.

"He stabbed my kit!"

"I'm sure it was a stab of affection."


"Ammit knows this too well. She tears evil up from the root, casting her judgement before any evils done. That's why we must resurrect her."

"Right." Steven narrowed his eyes at that. After walking through the town, seeing a goat (which was nice), getting soup from a homeless shelter-esk kitchen, watching Khonshu throw a tantrum over Harrows words, and then sat and listened to the man talk about Ammit and what she does

La Lune and I ~ Steven Grant/Marc SpectorWhere stories live. Discover now