Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Staying Late

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A/n: hello all, I know there have been many Bakugou x Reader lemons. That is what the people want so that is what the people will get. Thank you for your requests

What the hell am I doing back here? You swore you'd quit last week yet you found yourself back at that looming office building. Why? You couldn't bring yourself to be honest about the answer to that question.

You walked into the always far too cold office where cubicles lined the middle. How very average. You walked up to your cubicle, far too close to the office building of your new overlord. You rolled your eyes. He really wasn't that big of a deal, he's basically a babysitter who 'watches' to make sure no discrepancies are going on during your time at work. And he was very annoying. Not to mention in the cubicle beside yours, was the most arrogant and disobedient people at the office.

You didn't agree with half the rules either but at least you wouldn't go looking for a fight. However, that Katsuki Bakugou would.

"Good morning babe."

You scoffed, "This is harassment at this point."

Katsuki grinned, that insufferable smirk glinting in the overhead lights. "I know you love it and I have no plans on stopping."

"Well I have plans on quitting and then what will you do?"

"You've been saying that since the new overseer got put here. Yet you haven't gone anywhere. I wonder why that could be?"

You rolled your eyes, "Well it has nothing to do with you I assure you."

"Hm I do wonder about that." He hummed deviously, stirring his coffee while looking at you in a curious but almost triumphant way.

You scoffed and pushed past him to your desk. He shrugged and went to his own cubicle next to you. The day past by uneventfully and before you knew it, the employees surrounding you had gone home and the overseer came out to examine the last at work.

"Good to see you're still at it, Y/n. You never disappoint." The man said, waving an arm about pointedly. His name was Tenya Iida and he seemed like the type to be able to climb the social latter. A born businessman -- his family owned the company. "If you keep up the good work, I'll put in a good word for you. Might be able to get you a raise."

Your eyes widened, you'd been doing the bare minimum. Just as expected of a company like this, where everyone was doing even less than that. "Thank you, sir." 

There was a moment of awkwardness and he cleared his throat, "Well then, I'd better get going. Are you going to stay for much longer?" 

"Not too long, I just need to finish up a few things." 

"Then, here." Iida handed you a spare key from his pocket, "Make sure you lock up when you're done." 

You took the key, looking at him quizzically, "You trust me, sir?" 

He nodded, "You're a good worker, I believe you won't abuse this privilege." 

You nodded back and he left the building. Thinking you were alone, you walked back to your desk. The lights seemed dimmer without anyone here somehow. You hummed to yourself to calm the underlying bits of anxiety and tidied up your work place before getting ready to leave. 

"Y/n?" A deep voice said and you whirled around, dropping all of the papers that had been gripped to your chest in the process. 

"Who's there?" You held the key out threateningly, leaving the papers on the floor.  Katsuki Bakugou stepped into the light with his hands out and you sighed, rolling your eyes, "What the hell are you doing here Katsuki? I saw you leave earlier. Why did you come back?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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