[• 𝓽𝔀𝓸 •]

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"wait wait, yuuji and the rest are supposed to be coming over right?" y/n asked as she gently brushed kai's curly hair.

"thats what gojo said, yes." kento hummed. he repeatedly tapped the bottom of kia's little feet, making her giggle so cutely.

y/n smiled. "i think thats them, can you get the door?" she was always happy to see the teenagers, they were so caring towards kia and herself. they always had an open spot in her family.

"of course." kento got off the couch and went to open the door. "good after—"

the pink haired boy cut kento off. "nanamin! where is kia!? has she gotten bigger!?" he asked with stars in his eyes clenching his fist.

kento groaned. "i – just come in."he gave up. there was no use. he let the trio inside his shared home after they took their shoes off.

"there's my favorite person!" yuuji immediately ran over to kia. "you've gotten so big since the last time i saw you!" he gasped. "oh right, here. gojo-sensei told us to give kia this,"

y/n grabbed the black box from yuuji's hand. she let kia sit up and wobbly crawled to yuuji. "oh wow," y/n gasped. "kento come look." the male looked over y/n's shoulder. inside the box, their was a beautiful silver ankle bracelet with kia's name engraved.

"wow." he said. "where is gojo?"

"he said he was going somewhere after he dropped us off." megumi replied, taking a seat near kia as she crawled near them.

y/n took out the bracelet. "i'll have to thank him for this.."

kia made happy noises as she crawled past yuuji, past nobara, and right to megumi. he was her favorite. all because of his unique hair. she likes to grab it.

megumi smiled, knowing he was the chosen one. "here, put this on her." y/n passed the bracelet to yuuji, who passed it to nobara, who gave it to megumi. and gently he grabbed kia's feet and locked the bracelet on her ankle.

kai stood up with megumi's support and shook her feet. liking the sound of the bracelet jingle. she babbled happily with her bracelet. making everyone in the room smile.


20 minutes had passed or so, y/n sat at the kitchen island, scrolling on instagram on her phone. kento stood at the stove fixing the kids something to snack on, then prepared something soft for kai. as soon as he finished, the door bell rung.

"i got it!" nobara got up, peeked through the peekhole and opened it.

"my little kiaaa! your so big now!" gojo ran past nobara at the door, and picked kai right out megumi's hands. "you like your bracelet? im the best uncle!"

kia babbled, she peeled off gojo's blindfold and stared in his eyes. she loved looking in his eyes. blue just might be her favorite color.

"aren't my eyes so pretty? but yours are prettier!" he cooed, sitting her down back near megumi. she crawled back to gojo's leg and pulled his pant legs.

"baaba," she whined. gojo's heart almost stopped.

"don't worry your cute little face, your baaba will be right back." he booped her nose, making her blink and smile.

after kai crawled back to megumi, gojo walked into the kitchen and found the person he was looking for.

"y/nnnn!" he tossed his arms over her shoulders and hugged her. "your stomach is getting bigger too!"

"satoru," y/n smiled. "kai's in love with the bracelet, thank you." she hugged the lanky male back.

kento groaned once again. "don't get all touchy with my wife like i'm not here."

gojo took his hands off y/n. "whoops," he handed her a brown bag. "here, try this."

curiously, y/n peeked her head inside. "whats this?" she pulled out a wrapped sweet looking dessert. she took a couple sniffs before taking a small bite and chewed it.

he watched y/n's reaction. "yummy isn't it? its kikufuku!"

"this is soo good!" she took more bites, stuffing her cheeks like a squirrel. "kin, yuo wavna triy?" she held the sweet towards her husband who gushed from her cuteness.

how could he say no to her? so he took a small bite of it. "good isnt it?" gojo wiggled his eye brows at kento but got ignored.

"ok, lunch time kiddies!" y/n announced to the kids and grabbed more of the sweets and stuffed her face along with gojo.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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