"Ah make no mistake Mr. Soot, I'm very appreciative of such privileges," Elaine laughs and begins rocking side to side in the chair.

Chat is filling up by the second as they speak. Some are happy to see Elaine back, most are upset. Then theres the fuckers who don't have Twitter and have no idea what's going on.

The couple laughs at their own jokes and begins to turn their attention back to the stream and chat.

"See! I knew this would happen!" Elaine explains, "Fuckin Lana I swear," she rolls her eyes.

Wilburs smile begins to slowly dissipate. Seeing her unhappy automatically made him feel upset too.

"Chat," he sighs "To address the Lana thing, it was all fake." Wilbur doesn't sugarcoat whatsoever, "Everything was untrue. They were all lies. I love and enjoy every second with Elaine and I'm the one latching to her 24/7."

"Like a leach," Elaine whispers to the camera, her voice laced with a joking manor though.

Wilbur chuckles at Elaine and continues, "I think only god knows why Lana made up those rumors but it all really doesn't matter anymore; this was all months ago. I don't care anymore, I'm sure Elaine doesn't give a shit either."

Elaine winks at the camera as a response.

"And remember chat don't go sending Lana hate, it just isn't worth it at all." Wilbur says, knowing what his fandom is capable of.

"She's already going through enough mental problems she doesn't need any petty drama on top of that," Elaine says nonchalantly.

You can see Wilbur trying to resist the urge to laugh. His lips form a smile and a soft chuckle follows but he clears his throat and puts on a straight face, only sending Elaine a look.

"Not...right now," he says through resisted(at least trying to) laughs.

Chat is running wild, at the fact that Lana is a liar and they've been absolute dickheads for no reason and Elaine's lack of a filter.




"I am a Minecraft professional, Wilbur," Elaine cracks her knuckles and presses her fingers on W A S D to roam around the map.

Wilbur didn't want to scar Elaine with all of his friends so instead of hopping on the good ol' DSMP they create a new map.

"I will speed run this shit," she says looking proud of herself but her smirk drops when her screen says "You Died!" out of nowhere.

"Elaine darling, as much as I love you. You are an idiot." Wilbur rubs her shoulder and laughs at her.

"WHAT DID I DO WRONG?!" Elaine exclaims.

"You walked off a fucking cliff and died, Elaine."


"Oh my god."

"Shut up, you do not get to insult me, you live alone, use 3 in 1, and have reddit. Go fuck yourself."

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