the road

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"Well be on the road for a while." Aemio complains. "Ugh" I groan.

"Do you not like the road?" Henry asks. "No, I hate it," I respond while we're passing by a rock that looks like a broom. "My father disappeared when we were traveling once, drank and drove. Then my mother couldn't care for me." The others looked at me in shock. "Yeah my life kinda sucks."

"No shit" Sharon mumbles back.

The rest of the while is filled with weird or murderous conversations, nothing to keep notice of, we switch who's driving here and there but we never stop fully until we see a smallish town "weird" Aemio mumbles "not on the map?" Henry guesses "the maps old this town might be new, they're popping up all over the place" Sharon complains she enjoys big cities more than one could guess she grew up in them, started her career so it's no wonder. "Sharon, please we will return to Advalanche soon" Chariot says with annoyance, acording to the tales the others told me she doesn't like cities, she prefers little forest villages, not towns but not exactly cities. Aemio is happy though? "Feels like home" he happily sighs. The wind blows and I hold on to the cloak after I check its still on, I'm really warm.

"Ya'know charlee there will be a day it's too windy to keep on" Henry chuckles "until then though we will respect your privacy " I held my breath at the first sentence and released it after the second

"I know this is off topic but what happend to 'villian Charlee' " Chariot asks adding air quotes to 'villian Charlee' "probably dead" Ug says just straight up, I will be honest I forgot he was there. "What if our Charlee is him?" Aemio jokes and the other laugh "no way he's way to nice" Sharon returns. 'I am the 'villain' charlee though' I allow myself to think

nobody heard

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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