Dance in the rain

Start from the beginning

"Well, if it starts to rain, you can share mine."

That... wasn't a terrible idea.

In fact, it was soothing, quite soothing to think about. Their bodies walking close together as rain dripped down around them, and they poked fun at each other, teasing one another.

The walk to the theater was filled with exactly that, mocking jests and sighs. Tugging Noé along when his mind was caught by a sight he hadn't seen or noticed before. It took an extra half hour to reach the destination with how Noé acted.

They sat by each other in the theater... originally there were two bags of popcorn, each had their own...

Only Vanitas 'dropped' his bag in the middle of the movie.

He let their hands touch every so often, reaching for popcorn...

He hadn't bothered to check the description when Noé recommended the movie...

He wasn't regretting it... only surprised Noé was into sappy romantic movies. He glanced over for a moment, noting the wobble of his lips as he munched on popcorn, leaned over, overly focused on the movie.

Vanitas chuckled as he glanced at the screen.

Two lovers separated by a curse for years... finally getting back together....

It churned his stomach and made his heart feel heavier than it had felt in ages.

Noé wasn't sure why he'd chosen to watch this... it reminded him of the centuries he spent alone with nothing but a notebook where he wrote their story down... reminded him of times so far back...

Vanitas leaned against him... unsure why, but he felt he had to comfort the male who lay tearing up at the movie... it lifted some of the crushing weight... and he drifted off, relaxed.

Once the screen flickered to the credits, neither moved... Noé glanced at Vanitas... watched as his eyes slowly opened while he sat up. "Did you enjoy your nap?" Noé tilted his head as Vanitas stretched and nodded. He stood up as well, slipping from the theater with Vanitas walking beside him.

Stepping outside, Noé opened the umbrella with a sigh. "I'll... walk you home."

"Oh... oh uh that's not necessary... you can just leave me by the park we hang out at... I don't live too far from there."

"You sure? You might catch a cold..."

"Eh, that's fine." Vanitas shrugged as the two tried to stay dry beneath the rain.

They walked in silence, neither making eye contact. As they walked through the rain, Vanitas dragged his feet through puddles, watching them splash around.

The park came into view, and the question on his mind spilled from his lips. "Why did you want to see something like that over the other options?"


"Ah, you know... you don't have to answer that..." a smirk curled onto his lips as he snuck and hand to the hand Noé was holding the umbrella with. "You must be a romantic hm?" His gloved fingers slipped beneath the others, forcing the other to lose his grip on the umbrella.

The rain seemed to slow with the world as the umbrella fell to the floor.

Thud, Thud, ba-dump, ba-dump...

Their hearts synced as they met each other's glances.

Vanitas gathered courage that he was unaware he didn't have in his grasp. At first, he was tugging Noé in simple circles...

Their eyes pinned on each other with slight tints to darkening cheeks.

Vanitas continued to lead until Noé was moving on his own, whatever shock he'd been in, leaving as his face softened, hair stuck to his face in the rain.

Their hands came to connect, one on the hip, one on the shoulder.

Their feet dragging in the rain.

"I'm not the best at dancing." Noé mumbled, the memory of stepping on Vanitas' foot coming to mind.

"Neither am I... but this... feels... right." Noé's heart jumped in his chest, beats increasing by the moment...

Was this it?


Was Vanitas...

Were they?




Noé took a bold move, tipping Vanitas back unexpectedly...

Vanitas' eyes widened when a mouth slotted against his own.

For several heartbeats, he did nothing... stayed still until Noé was pulling away, his arms swung around the other's neck, his lips crashing against Noé's, taking control of the kiss until Noé was pushed against a tree and they broke apart.

They didn't say many words.

Vanitas blinked a few times before stepping back...

His gloves came up to his lips before he turned away.

Oh... oh

That was...

That confirmed it... he was....

Shaking his head, he was gone from Noé's sight...

"Vanitas... Wait!" Noé shouted, but it was too late... Vanitas...

Was already gone.

The boy slipped in through his window, sliding down the wall holding a hand over his mouth.

He kissed him

But he kissed first

Noé kissed him...


Was it the moment?

Did he?

He wasn't the lovable type though...

Was he being led on?

No... Noé wouldn't be capable of such...

Then... was it possible?

Certainly not...


A week...

Noé came to class each day, the cafe every day...

Had he... dreamt it?

He was starting to doubt himself

Starting to doubt any of this was real...

Where was he?

Had he messed it up?

Was it too soon?


Vanitas had been flirting? He kissed back... right?

He didn't imagine that, right?

Noé skipped a day to sit on the roof of his little home...

His knees pulled to his chest... couldn't bear to stare at that empty bed today...

Had it been... a dream?

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