Simple plaisir

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Noé's first stop was the Café again.

And in that same spot was Vanitas, with a seat saved, a Tarte Tatin plated across from him. His eyes met the others who beckoned him over, and he was there in a moment. "Oh... wow... you..." Vanitas looked at a loss for words, his eyes tearing into Noé, who had to clear his throat and glance away.

"I like it better like this."

"I knew you would look better with hair this length." Vanitas hummed...

It was familiar.... the small smile, the puppy-dog level of adorable as Noé ate the sweet, hummed to himself pleased.

It was... cute...

Oh... oh shit...

Vanitas glanced away, covering his mouth with a gloved hand. He's... pretty... a-and... Vanitas stopped that train as soon as it left the station. They were strangers... hardly knew each other.

"Thanks for the food! I'll remember to pay you back later!"

"No need..." Vanitas mumbled, getting ahold of himself before they lunged into silence.

Noé sighed with complete contempt as he leaned back and sighed. "You sure? That's two days in a row..."

"Of course, anything for a friend..." He truly hated that word, leaving Vanitas' lips... but that's alright...

Even if it took as long, or twice as long as it had back then... he'd reach that more than a friend status...

"Alright Noé, off to class we go!" Noé tilted his head, about to put another bite in his mouth as the fork was dropped from his hand, collar snatched and body pulled from the chair. He reached for the sweet, missing it by a tiny bit. His eyes turned into sad-puppy eyes as he sank to his feet, causing Vanitas to huff, but still completely pull the extra weight.

"But my breakfast!" Noé cried out, but Vanitas simply snickered. He eventually let Noé walk on his own, being given a silent treatment as the other pouted over the lost desert.

Halfway there, the building in view, Noé spotted a performer... and of course being Noé, he slipped away when Vanitas wasn't looking, sitting down and staring at the musician, pulling a coin from his pocket he was about to tip before his collar was grabbed with an audible sigh. "You're a whole adult child... whatever will I do with you?" Vanitas huffed as a shocked, confused Noé pouted once again dragged away from what he'd been distracted by.

Like the previous day, the raven-haired half of the duo slept for most of the classes. Well, he wasn't asleep, just sitting with closed eyes listening, occasionally glancing at the starry-eyed boy who leaned in his seat and dropped his jaw at the smallest thing. It's as if he's never seen a projector, or... a ton of things happening through classes. It was honestly... interesting to watch.

"Let's go sightseeing after class." Noé's head turned with a quick nod.

"Okay!" His expressions were... entirely different from how most people express... perhaps it's his unusual appearance that made him stand out...

Lunch rolled around and Noé had... a piece of bread with a slice of meat... not even a full sandwich...

Vanitas stared at the choice of food... he had a whole feast... a ton of snacks, some snuck in by his brother... additions to what he packed for himself. Which did tend to just be cold leftovers... he was basic, like that, didn't feel like he needed anything special for himself. "That's all you eat?"

"Hm? Oh, I don't need to eat a ton."

"Weirdo." Vanitas huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Eh? How?" Noé's head tilted to the side as the other snickered, pushing towards him a sugary snack he'd never touch. Rice crisps, the very definition of sugary treats he didn't like.

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