chapter 1. Deruth is a dummy

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Cale let out a quiet sigh as he walk through the large henituse library, everything was peaceful now that the white thing is gone along with it's lil cult.

Yesterday was a tiring day, he just finished planting some sweet potato seeds, and yes they do exist in this world (Choice han found them in the forest of darkness)

He learned some tips from the beige dragon Mila-nim together with the kids who was bored enough to watch him sweat.

"Hn?" A slight glitter caught his eyes. It was a book at in the furthest back of the rows of books. The book completely stood out because of the cover that was covered in red glitter

curious, Cale pulled out the book.

But he couldn't as if book was stuck, it could only pulled halfway.


Cale heard a sizzling sound right below him. The tile he was stepping on was slightly dent and a very hard to notice crack. Cale blink and stared deeply at the tile before looking at the glitter book, he didn't really feel any negative vibe around and he was just a bit weirded out at what happened. Stepping out of it, he tap the small crack.


Cale sweat dropped a bit as the small crack became larger before the small space below him collapse and a large wooden box was revealed.

"...uhh" Cale looked around in the area for a bit. Making sure that the scary Butler was not behind him, it was scary how sometimes Ron would silently followed him everywhere.

Actually everyone has been extra scary since the war finished, Cale remembered that it was mostly because they witnessed a stick stabbed his heart to kill the damn white sh•t , and that has been stuck in their heads making Cale a bit guilty.

Dusting off the dusk, Cale took out the wooden box. He was a bit surprised that it was light judging by the size, he thought that it would be somewhere in raon's weight but it was as light as the cats.

The box didn't have any lock or whatever so it was easy to open them.

*blink blink*

It was full of recording devices and lots of sketch pads, aside from that is a few notebooks full of music notes.

*flip flip flip

The sketch pad was filled with different drawings and most of them were flowers. picking up the recording device Cale pressed the small button then it slightly glowed before showing an image of a young boy.

The boy was clearly a young Cale Henituse as he looked immature with the baby fats on his cheeks.

[ *Ahem ahem!* the young Cale faked his cough before making a serious face

"Today's recording is angry Mom! She looked really annoyed, Dad must've done something"

The image shifted to a beautiful red head woman, Jour Henituse who was elegantly sitting in front of a piano. Even when upset, Jour's hands looked gentle as she strongly press the piano keys.

The sound was strong and upbeat, in the corner he could see small red head bopping his head at the beat and smiling cutely at her pouting mother.

........  HMMMM AUUUGH"

Little Cale giggled at the frustrated sounds jour let out.

"Did you and dad had a fight?"

"It's more epic than that cutie, it WAR! If doesn't say sorry then he sleeps in the guest room, Hmph!" Jour's pout deepened as he watch his son giggled at her before letting out a chuckle

"Aigoo, I feel like I'm aging faster because of your dad"

"Hn? But even when mom makes funny faces you always look pretty!" Jour dramatically gasp at her son's words before squealing. ] 

the recordings ended there. Cale's laughter echoed in the quiet library before calming down.

"So that's what they're like" Cale could guess what's in the other recordings, for now Cale his the box at the top of the shelves. He should find a better hiding spot for the og Cale's stuff, or should he call him roksoo?  Cale dusted his pants before heading back to his room.

Unknown to him, three pair of mischievous eyes watch Cale from the moment he entered the library.

"Noona, we want to see more!" The red kitten, Hong looked excitedly at the other kitten. On sighed, to be honest she was also curious.

"The human looked happy when he watched the recordings.... Let's bring it to everyone!" The black dragon, Raon Miru already flown to the box as Hong cheered him on the background.

'Meow~ sorry Cale, I wanna know too' On looked at the library's exit and smiled.



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