Wrestlemania Challenge

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The next morning came rather quickly for the Mane Six, Spike, and Storm Shield. Together, in their human guise, they walked back into the WWE Training Camp. After that experience from the night before, they knew things were growing more serious than originally expected. Dealing with this ghost bear and the Dark Order was 'tough enough' as it was, but now it had grown far worse. Now with the emerge of the Undertaker, his new Ministry, and their alliance with the Order, they just knew things would grow worse for them and all of WWE City.

"What the hay are we supposed to do now?" Rainbow asked concerned.

"Ah don't know hun, but I reckon we need to tell the gang and Mr. McMahon about this," Applejack stated.

"After what happened last night, it's time to come clean and tell them exactly what's been happening," Twilight agreed. "The dream we've all had, the confrontation, it's becoming too much."

"I just hope they'll have the resources capable of dealing with this situation," Rarity spoke nervously.

"We do have to bare in mind they are still a sports entertainment company," Storm pointed out. "It's not like the WWE are training super soldiers."

"Then again... our own guard could use the bigger muscle," Spike shrugged.

As the group kept walking, they noticed something peculiar ahead. A couple WWE City police officers, with Ms. Richards included, stood right in front of Shaggy and Scooby's cabin. Judging by their body language and facial expressions, they didn't look happy at all.

"Oh dear, more trouble," Fluttershy whimpered.

The group quickly ran forward until they skid to a halt, right beside Richards and the police.

"What's going on, Ms. Richards?" Twilight asked the executive.

"I don't believe that's any of your business," Richards shot back.

"You're knocking on our friends' door with a couple police officers," Spike pointed out. "So yes, it most certainly [i]is[/i] our business."

In that moment, the door slowly opened and revealed Shaggy, who yelped in fear before the presence of Ms. Richards and the police.

"Like is something wrong Ms. Richards?" Shaggy asked nervously.

"Cut the chit-chat, the WWE Championship belt has been stolen," Ms. Richards informed him.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled together.

At that moment, the rest of Mystery Inc. and the WWE superstars came over to see what all the commotion was about.

"And we know who 'did' it..." Ms. Richards narrowed her eyes.

"Who could possibly do something like that?" Pinkie asked. "I mean aside from a couple gold-crazed dragons and greedy griffins back home. Oh, and something about a greedy money-grubbing... duck with a lisp?"

Everyone turned toward Pinkie curiously, before quickly shaking their heads and returning to the matter at hand.

"The one who stole that championship was... [i]your[/i]dog," Richards concluded.

Everyone around them gasped in shock, but Shaggy shook his head in denial and disbelief.

"Like that can't be true!" Shaggy argued. "Scooby Doo has been in here with me all night! Weren't you buddy?"

Shaggy pulled the door open further, showcasing Scooby Doo, who indeed was still in bed.

"Rats right!" Scooby nodded, sitting up.

However, while sitting up, some of his blanket fell down and everyone could faintly see a glimpse of glimmering gold. Scooby noticed as well, as a shocked expression formed on his face, and he quickly covered himself back up.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now