💫Personality, Interests, and Characteristics💫

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{NEUTRAL} Yoshiko has been described to be very "cat-like" with their actions. They seem to have a lot of personality traits that line up with cats, so it's kind of a thing between their friends to call them a cat. Moody, swats at things, likes to nap in warm spots, kind of clingy and "pay attention to me" kind of thing. They even own a few pairs of cosplay cat ears, so it's just kind of a fun comparison. If they were an animal, they  would be a cat. A very judgmental and attention-seeking cat who will simultaneously cuddle you but also swat at you like an asshole and regret nothing.
↳They're a thrill-seaker to say the least. They love the feeling of adrenaline pumping through their veins, which can cause them to be quite the risk taker. Sometimes, that works in their favor, but other times it doesn't and that can spell bad news not only for them, but for those around them as well.
↳They are rather clingy to people they are close to. Often, they will fall asleep on a good friend's shoulder if they are comfortable, or they will cuddle with their good friends if they're okay with it. It's very calming and helps them relax, as well as doing things with their hands. Hair petting, braiding, fidgeting with theur fingers, any repetitive motion that can help calm their mind.

{NEGATIVE} They are very emotionally guarded and it's hard for them to open up to people. They're not always open to conversation, and sometimes they sound as though they are apathetic or uninterested. Sometimes they can come off as defensively aggressive without meaning to and it is not uncommon for them to just completely shut down and refuse to cooperate with others. This can cause people to form the opinion that they are brash, rude, and or cold-hearted which is a common misconception. They have some similarities to Bakugou in that retrospect, but they are completely different in the ways they act.
↳They can be rather bitter and resentful to those who have hurt them in the past. They don’t normally hold grudges against anybody, but if their trust is broken, their views on that person begin to shift. Their judgment becomes clouded because they feel personally attacked.They begin to act spiteful towards that person, often lashing out angrily without much calculated thought, which can lead to negative repercussions on their end. They may say things the will regret saying later once they've calmed down.

{AROUND OTHERS} Yoshiko us the most open to their closest friends. They get to see how they truly act. They get to see them smile the most and open up. Not many get to see them gush about their interests, or laugh, or just have a good time. In fact, most people would just pass them by and not pay them much attention if they didn't know who they were. They hate crowds, so even when they do get recognized, they just try to escape the crowd to avoid hearing any negative comments (because their brain would focus on those instead). The only people who see them truly smile, not just faking one to get out of the public eye, are their good friends. They can trust these people with their life, so they feel free enough to just let loose and be who they really are. Their family, specifically their aunt's and baby cousin (with whom they live with) and eventually their father get to see this side if them as well.
↳Strangers have varying opinions of Yoshiko. Some judge them because of how they look or their quirk and have these negative preconceived notions of them without having met them. Others could care less about who they are, or their family drama, or what their class has gone through. There are also some who would look up to them, specifically ones who have been scrutinized by society for things they cannot control. They're a role model to them, and beacon to the ones society cast out. They're living proof that you can survive hell and achieve your dreams, no matter what the bad people throw at you. A little preserveerence can go a long way
↳When put into new situations, Yoshiko reverts back to how they acted as a child: reserved, content with doing their own thing, not very talkative, not very extroverted. It's overwhelming for them to be put in a new social situation with people they don't know, which is why they revert back to what they relied on as a child. However, as soon as they see familiar faces and get a chance to adjust, things become a lot easier for them and they start to act like themself again. A huge weight is lifted off of their shoulders and they can relax a bit.
↳They aren't the type to know what love is. They have never really felt love before, so they wouldn't even pick up on the signs that they like someone and they definitely would not be able to pick up if someone was flirting with them or if they had a crush on them. They would feel a strong desire to hang out with their crush, they would want to please them, give them gifts, anything to see them smile. They would blush a lot, to the point where they would begin to wonder if they were feeling sick or something. They would ask their close friends for advice, and it would probably strike them really late at night. That "oh, OH, shit..... I LIKE them". They may deny their feelings or try to convince themself that they aren't good enough to be loved by their crush, but they wouldn't be able to get them off of their mind. Not until they had the right moment to confess their feelings. If they date, they would open up just like how they open up to their friends. Their partner would be their best friend.
↳Around enemies Yoshiko is rather cold and callous. They make their distaste for that person rather apparent, with their icy cold glares and their sour tone. The tension would be thick enough to cut through with a blade. Their entire demeanor changes. Their posture would be ridged and on edge, their eyes would show no mercy in their hateful gaze. They don't despise many people, but those they do can feel the emotion radiating off of them. They would be rather intimidating as well, not afraid to threats that they would one hundred percent back up in a fight.
↳Yoshiko holds high respect for upperclassmen and adults for the most part. They would want to impress them, and they would actually act formal with them. Instead of using casual slang and nicknames, they would address them properly and listen to them intently. Generally they do what they can to get on their good side and impress them. If they are around them a lot, like a teacher or a close family friend, they treat them the same way they would treat any other friend. They become more casual, using various nicknames and cracking jokes with them as long as they are comfortable with it.
↳Yoshiko treats civilians like family. They do everything they can to not make a bad first impression. They care for the scared children like any parent would. They designed their costume specifically to help sooth scared and injured civilians and make them as comfortable as possible. They do their best to reassure them that they will be helped and everything will get better.
↳As a young child, Yoshiko had very few friends. They were a loner, didn't stand out from the crowd. They were a wallflower, nothing much to note about their reserved nature. They were bullied a fair bit, which led to them not being willing to stand out from the crowd. Because of their home life, they developed depression early on and often said some things that would scare their aunts and had exhibited  some dangerous behavior that made them go through therapy. However, everything changed when they made their first friend. They opened up and began to be happier. Suddenly, they made friends with the other loner kids and made a friend group that would impact their life for the better. Things went well until everyone had to part ways, and so they reverted back to their shy, reserved self. This would happen time and time again. Every time they moved they would make friends and be happier up until they had to move on again. They rely on the friends they make to bring out their happiness, and will start to feel like themself again once they are surround by the familiarity of friendly faces.
↳As an adult, Yoshiko finally seems to break that reserved child bubble and acts how they would act around their friends in public spaces. They aren't big on PDA or anything, but they seem to be a lot happier and have a successful life. They grow out of their shell and live their life freely without the constraints they grew up with for so long. They don't let people's words get to them as badly because they've learned how to tune out much of the negativity in their life. Overall, they're much happier and more free as an adult. They can function on their own because they have a solid, supportive group of people who they care about and who care about them. When one of those pillars falls, however, it's difficult for them to function for months. Losing one of those pillars is like losing a piece of themself. It takes them a long time to recover and they can never fully recover.

[NIGHTMARE] | Hogosha YoshikoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu