Hmm, that's odd. Everything about him is very similar to Vincent.

His scent, his movement, his skills, his body, his height. He's definitely Vincent's twin brother, or at least his brother. I really wanna see the face behind the mask. But rather I want to hear from Vincent himself about him. Do they have a bad relationship, that kept me from knowing him?

The dance ended before I could realize it. I couldn't bring myself to even ask a single thing to him, and I can't find out why. He speaks as he escorts me out of the dance floor.

"You seem to be in deep thought, mademoiselle."

Wait, I didn't notice the way he addresses me. Mademoiselle? Does he not know that-

"Stop right there."

I turn my head and find Vincent walking fast towards me. His face behind his mask looks slightly angry, but despite it, Francis isn't letting go of my hand at all. He instead turns his back to face Vincent. I can't tell the expression Francis has on his face behind his mask, but for sure he seems completely calm.

"Excuse me," I dare myself to pull my hand off Francis's.

I come closer to Vincent, giving him a signal for him to lean lower so I can whisper to his ear since he's taller than me. I told him that this person asked me for a dance, has a possibility of not knowing the fact that I'm married, and has done nothing harmful to me. After reporting all that I pull myself back and wait for his response.

"Mon frère. C'est ma femme."

Brother. This is my wife.

I was right, he really is Vincent's brother and didn't know we were married. My gloves made me have to take off my ring, seems like that was the reason. Since Vincent is holding my hand tightly, I can now be sure that their relationship is not really good. They continue speaking in French but I couldn't catch up with their pace, they seem to be arguing a bit.

"Mon amour," Vincent whispers to me. "He wants to talk with you."

"I can go. I'll be careful."


Francis took me out to the flower garden that only has faint lightning, but is open enough to have the moonlight for us to see clearly. I touch the bracelet Vincent gave me a long time ago, which can work as an 'asking-for-help' signal to him when I break it. I'm also quite sure Vincent is somewhere watching me, I'm sure I will be safe.

"I won't mince words," Francis starts to speak. "I will ask you one thing."

"Yes, what is it-"

"Did you forget our promise?"


"Or did you choose to break it?"

"Do I know you, monsieur?"

"... So it's true you don't even remember me?"

I freeze, I couldn't hide my confusion. Remember him? I just met him. Francis takes off his mask, and now I can see clearly his face. The calm and intimidating face is now gone, replaced by a slightly sorrowful look and even more intimidating. Such a huge difference with Vincent's gentle and warm gaze.

"I believe we just met at this ball. Perhaps you mistaken me as someone else?"

"I never, even once, mistaken someone. What kind of silly thing is that?"

He looks offended. I had to rack my brains trying to remember if it was true that I had ever met this person. The result is nil, I don't remember at all. But one thing is for sure, the tattoo that splits across his right eye and the lines on the side of his head looks familiar. Are those the same thing as Vincent's?

"Monsieur, I-"

I didn't get to finish my word as Francis suddenly grabbed my face, pulled me close to his, and looked at me with a look I couldn't explain. The moonlight that burst from behind him stunned me for a moment for how beautiful the scenery is.

"I'm married to your brother-" I tried but failed to suppress nervousness. "We have promised each other in the marriage bond. You can't do this."

"I did everything to find you. Risked everything for you. Now, look at you, throwing out nonsenses without feeling guilty for even a bit."

His tone shows clearly how mad he is. His gaze seems filled with anger, and his grip on my cheeks is tightened. But despite all, he leans even closer and reaches for my lips. Out of suddenness, I take a chance to duck and getaway only to be caught by the waist.

Not like this. I belong to Vincent.

But in midst of my confusion, my body recognizes this kiss. As if I've felt it before. But how? I only had ever gotten kissed by Vincent, and he's way gentler. Francis doesn't stop attacking my lips with his, he isn't even letting me breathe. Once he let go of my lips, I gasped as I inhale all the air I needed at once. Like a fish choking on land trying to breathe, quite ungraceful for a lady, to be honest.

"With all due respect, Monsieur, you are-"

"The one that you promised that you'll never leave."

"... What?"

"I don't care that you lost your memories or whatever. But I will surely keep my promise unlike you." Francis leads me back to the ballroom. "Just wait for me."

Wait for him? For what? I couldn't get a single answer to my questions, Francis is already reaching for my hand and kissing it as a sign of excusing himself as soon as we arrived. Even if I ask him now, he surely won't bother to answer since it'll only bring me to other questions. I watch him walk away and slowly disappear behind the shadows of plants in the garden under the moonlight.

But one thing bothers me most.

What did Vincent do to me? What if it's true that Francis and I had something between us? If yes, how can I forget such a thing as this? Did he-


I almost yelp as a pair of hands suddenly hug me from behind, but I quickly recognize whose hands are those. I can feel how worried he is without even looking at his face. "I'm alright, Vincent," I said. I stroke his head which rests on my right shoulder. And now everything felt so different from the touches I had just received from Francis earlier.

"Mon amour... I'm sorry."

His voice is trembling.

He sure does know what Francis had said to me if my guesses are true. But if I ask him about it, what will happen to us? It's a very risky thing to do. I decided one thing. I will find my answers myself, to not ruin anything I am currently holding; my bond with Vincent, and will also find out what exactly Francis promised to me.

Whatever happens next, I hope I can face it.

I can only hold onto one promise.

One Promise To HoldUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum