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Straightening her white polo, underneath her gray blazer, and pulling her gray skirt down to cover a tiny bit of her legs. She ain't going to lie, but she hated wearing skirts, if it wasn't for that blasting thesis defense, and for the fact that she wanted to seduce her boyfriend. She would trade skirts for pants anytime, dresses for t-shirts, and parties for video games. You could say that she was one of the guys for her outlook on life, and it will always remain a mystery to her that someone as dashing as Hyunjin fell in love with her at first sight. Maybe he accidentally drank a love potion that day.

"Baby?" Hyunjin called to her from afar, and she felt like time had slowed down for the two of them. She took the moment to admire her boyfriend's sharp yet delicate features, the way they softened every time that they were together, those specks of light glistening in his eyes, and smiles that were only reserved for her.

"Hyunnie, let's go to the cinema today." Felix dragged her boyfriend, Hyunjin, to those $1.50 cinemas where they streamed old movies on the projector. People on a hot summer day usually bite those cheap prices, just so they could sleep inside the cold theater. This wasn't the first time they would hangout in these places. Having a five hour break between your classes meant movie day everyday. Nothing special, but Felix had a different plan today.

Upon entering the movie house, they were greeted by pitch black darkness, with their only light source being the light coming from the projector. The cold air touched her bare legs and made her shiver beside Hyunjin. "You okay, hon?" She felt a firm squeeze on her shoulder; her boyfriend was looking at her with utmost concern. "I am okay, just a little bit cold." She pouted at him, then she noticed that the seats were mostly empty except for the two girls giggling in the front row. Her gaze immediately flew in the last row, and in the darkest corner of the theater. Her pouty lips slowly turned into a lopsided smile, thinking about all of the things she had in store for him. "Let's sit over there." She exclaimed like a little girl who couldn't wait to taste her candy.

Various advertisements were played on the screen as they sat on the recliner. The movie hasn't even started yet Felix was feeling restless because her boyfriend hasn't touched her yet. Hyunjin was too nice, too nice to be assertive that sometimes she had to initiate the touching before getting anything from him. Hyunjin told her that he didn't want her to think that he was just using her, when the truth was she very much wanted to be used as a toy. She kept on drawing circles on his arm; it was a futile attempt seeing that he was still focused on whatever was showing in front of them. She sighed in defeat, and huffed as she devoured the free caramel popcorn given to them by the guard.

"Hon, is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing." She lied, hoping that Hyunjin would take a hint.

"Oh, okay then." He replied as he went back on watching the movie trailer. She almost lost her temper at that statement; how oblivious could he get.

Finally, the movie started playing, as the place grew darker by the second; hiding their figures in a cloak of darkness. And that's when she set her plan into motion; she took his arm, and placed it between her breasts. Rubbing her breasts up, and down against the upper portion of his arm. She turned his jaw to face her, as she slammed her lips against him. He opened his mouth to let out a low moan, and that's when Felix took the opportunity to slip her tongue inside. Their tongues were dancing with each other, in a battle of dominance while her free hand groped his growing bulge.

"My, my. Somebody is hard today."She purred as she traced the outline of his crotch against the rough fabric.

"This is all your doing." Hyunjin said in between his moans, his almond-shaped eyes were watching her every move. Felix was fully aware that her boyfriend became submissive every time she touched him in public space. They both discovered this fact during the first time that they had sex. Felix pushed, and pinned her boyfriend down on the sofa. In the blink of an eye, the air suddenly shifted. Her boyfriend couldn't move or get out of her hold; she wasn't even putting in that much effort in her grip.

Movies, Skirts, and Caramel Popcorn - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now