Announcement A Must Read.

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Hello, 😇 and good day everyone.. Please everyone should read this important announcement.

There has been some misunderstanding on some of our agendas so I'm writing this to clear the air. A lot of people have been sending us DMs, asking several questions on an already concluded matter. It is actually not bad to ask questions and that's why I'm here to provide a general answer. It is actually good to ask questions when you don't understand and I'm happy that some people are asking questions for clarification.

First off; I want to start by saying that 90% of the activities that we have added to the club's ongoing activities was not actually Aquila's or my idea, most of it was suggested by a lot of you. Ranging from the idea of monthly prayers, anthologies, conferences, magazines and the list goes on.

These beautiful ideas was to increase the club's activities, to build our spiritual lives, to preach the gospel with the power of our pens, to help improve our writing skills and to advertise our work with the purpose of building a strong readership community.

All these and more are the main purpose of this club, this is why we have even opened other social media accounts, this is also why we are planning on making a magazine for the club sometime in future, and this was why we really liked these ideas.

Even so, we didn't just enact these ideas into our activities before seeking the general opinion of the club. Thankfully, everyone agreed to all of them, and this is why it is confusing and shocking to see so many questions and objections.

That is why I'm writing this to refresh our memories of these activities once more. Please after reading this, the floor would be opened for everyone who has questions, objections and anything to contribute.

Below is the list of all our activities.

We are supposed to review just four chapters of each other's books every fortnight and write the review prior to the deadline.

We have our end of the month prayers every last Sunday. We have all decided to do a T-shirt with the club's logo before the end of the year. We are currently supposed to start writing our anthology, and we all agreed that the topic would be on the end times, this is equivalent to the in-house short story contest that we organized last year.

We are also going to start holding monthly conferences to learn more about different aspects of writing.

Besides the previously mentioned anthology, we have prepared a list where all the authors and readers are supposed to write a short story of minimum of 1,000 words and maximum of 5,000 words according to their choices, to be published on Wattpad and all our social media handles every week. Apart from evangelizing with these short stories which is our main goal, this would also help to give the authors and their works more exposure, and a strong and loyal reading audience.

Everyone is supposed to write once until the list is exhausted, then we would return to the top.

Finally, we have changed our name from Wattpad Christian Writers & Readers Club to Christian Writers & Readers Club. This is because there are other people who are not on Wattpad that would like to join us, and this would also help us expand our community of Christian writers and readers.

Our major objective for all this still remains, and that is soul winning and we are not going back or compromising on this objective, it would remain our mandate for as long as this club exists.

Thus, I would like to ask you guys, are you in or out? I want you to know that there would be no hard feelings regardless of your decision. The last thing we want to do is to impose upon you.

Many of you have even raised objections against our rules and regulations, but the honest truth is that if everyone should choose what they can and cannot do, at the end of the day, no one will do anything. I believe that in heaven there are also rules that govern their activities, and even God has given us his own rules for those of us who are here on Earth. So even though joining the club is completely voluntary and 100% your decision, you must be cooperative with others in carrying out the club activities. 

So I think I have said enough. The floor is now open for discussion. Please everyone who has an objection should boldly come out and voice it out. So that this whole thing would be resolved once and for all.

God bless you guys and no matter the outcome of this discussion today, let us all remain United physically and  at heart.  Love you all

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