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The rays of sunlight outside began to fade into their living room which only had space for the average person to walk seven steps into before they reached the end. Evan didn't mind that, he loved it. Even though dampness would occasionally freckle their ceiling, and the ceiling had holes and cracks which the paint didn't cover up so well, and the leather was tearing away from the sofa, stationed in the middle of the living room, because to Evan, it was home.

When the news ended, he ran to place his plate in the centre of the sink and put on his sandals, before helping his sister with her own. Ana packed a couple snacks for Sarah, and fumbled through her purse making sure she got everything she needed before they went off to church. 

When they left, Sarah skipped, holding each of their hands, till they arrived at Mrs Ali's house, who stood outside of her house with bloodshot eyes, and cheeks stained with tears.

It looked as if she hadn't slept in days.

And immediately, anna threw her arms around the poor woman who was only a foot shorter than her, who leaned into Ana's shoulder, bursting into tears, letting out agonising sounds and spluttering profusely as she apologised over and over and over.

Ana repeatedly told her it was okay, offering tissues from her purse to the lady as they broke apart. 'He continues to get sicker and sicker each day, and he's too stubborn to get the help he needs. It's hard to look at him in this much pain. I cannot lose him Ana. I have no one else,' she sobbed.

As Ana pulled her into another embrace, stroking the back of her head, then slowly letting to go to face her, with her hands on each side of her head, she whispered 'It will be okay, Mrs Ali, I know it will.'

From the corner of his eye, Evan caught sight of tears forming in Sarah's eyes, and squeezed her hand, whispering, 'It's okay Sarah, don't cry.' She wrapped her chubby and short arms around his legs and slowly began calming down as he stroked her back in a circular motion, as he always did when she was distressed.

When Aba noticed this, she told Evan to take his sister to church, and without hesitation he began to walk away with Sarah. He tried to hold back the tears already forming in his eyes. He didn't want Sarah to worry about him.

Thinking of Mrs Ali upset was one of the most painful thoughts Evan had ever had. She was like his second mother.

He struggled to differentiate whether it was anger or sadness he felt towards Mr Ali for making Mrs Ali cry, he knew Mr Ali was sick for quite some time, but he didn't know it was so serious to make Mrs Ali cry. He'd never seen Mrs Ali cry. 

On the way to church, Sarah and Evan sweated under the scorching sun, with little breeze. They wiped the sweat from their foreheads many times with their shirts but didn't complain. They were used to this. 

In the church, aisles filled up swiftly, unlike it had Sundays before. The building was held in Evans school gym room. It was small and smelled of sweat, but no one ever complained.

When the singing began, he and Sarah swayed left to right, clapping their hands in unison with everyone else.

Evan loved church, but this time, unlike usual, when the sermon began, he drifted off into sleep.  

On the way home from church, Joseph  stopped Evan and asked if he could go round by his place the next day, which filled Evan with so much joy. He looked at his mum desperately for her approval. And to his luck, she rolled her eyes playfully and nodded.

They both felt ecstatic. They'd not seen esschither in a while.  'Thank you, Mrs Khalil,' Joseph  said shyly before running back to the direction of the church, where his mother was calling for him.

Anna smiled at her son thoughtfully, and grateful to Joseph's parents who remained close family friends throughout the years.

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