Chapter two{ The escape}

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Tina's point of view

After I watch the Circus's profermance, I went to Newt's apartment and went to tell him the news I saw.

I arrived to his apartment room and knock on his door.

He opened the the door, " Tina, Is there something you need?," He asked. " Please do come in," He said. I nodded.

" What happened Tina?," He asked.

" Newt, I think I just saw an animagus," I said. His expression was shock, " Animagus, like an actual animagus?," He asked.

I nodded. " I child though, can you believe it at that age she has mastered that ability," I said.

" Where did you saw the child?," He asked. " At the Circus," I answered.

" We have to get there, before Grindelwald gets his hands on that child and turn her into one of his puppets," Newt said, I nodded and we teleported.

Hannah's point of view

" Next up in freaks and magicians, I present to you, A meladictus!," The man said.

Nagini walked out of the darkness.

" Once found in the jungles of Indonesia, and has the power to transform into a deadly creature, But look at her, So beautiful, so desirable, but soon she will soon be  trap in a different body,"

Tina and Newt from the crowed watch the show.

" She is forced to become!," The crowed laughed the women.

Credence and Hannah send Nagini pitiful look.

" She is forced to become," The man bang his cane on the change, Nagini's body turned into a snake's body .

" For the time, she won't be able to turn back!, She will forever be trap in the body of the snake!," Credence set free the other creatures.

Hannah turned into her cat form. The crowed panic and ran away from the Circus.

Tina searched for Credence and the child.

" Credence!," Tina shouted and the child and Credence escape.

Hannah, Nagini and Credence ran away from the crowed, They climb into the building rooftop, Hannah transform back into her human form.

" That was a successful escape, I never knew it would work, I thought we were gonna spend the rest of our lives in the Circus," I said.

" Thank heaven, we escape, I don't wanna spend my live in that junk yard," Credence said. We chuckled.

" So, Hannah, had you ever know your parents?," Credence asked.

" I never met them, The last thing I knew was living in that orphanage in london, until I escape and was captured," Hannah said.

" I see, We understand, Hannah, We know what you went through, alone and not finding your place in this world," Nagini said.

I sighed, even though I was hated I'm glad I met people like them.

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