I'm Here Love - Steven Grant

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Pairing: Steven Grant x Reader

Requested by: @Lxvenderwrites

Short description: Y/n got home from a long day at work to see Steven, her boyfriend, having a panic attack.


"Love! I'm home!" Y/n announced as she walked through the front door, "Steven?"

Only a few sniffles and sobs could be heard as Y/n walked further into their shared apartment. She saw Steven huddled up on the bed, having a panic attack... she instantly ran over to him.

"Oh love, it's ok... you're alright." She cooed as she sat down next to him on the bed, she wasn't sure if he wanted to be touched at the moment so she let him be.

To Steven, he felt like he couldn't breathe. What was supposed to be a relaxing day turned into a nightmare... literally. Steven decided to take a peaceful nap and all he got was nightmares... some of Y/n dying in brutal ways, others in her leaving him. To him, that is the worst thing that could ever happen.

"Hey... hey, Steven." Y/n quietly got his attention," It's alright, I'm here love... I'm here."

Steven looked at the woman for a moment, then immediately went to give her a hug. He buried his face in her neck, still crying.

"Shhh... everything's ok darling, you're safe." She continued to comfort Steven.

Y/n played with his hair and rubbed his back while whispering sweet, comforting words into his ear.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, until Steven calmed down enough.

"What happened love?" Y/n asked softly, sweeping the tears off of his cheeks with her thumbs.

Steven took a breath, "I watched you die... I took a nap and saw you die and leave me..."

"I promise you you, I will never leave you... ever." She reassured him sternly but with kindness written all over her face and tone.

Steven nodded and Y/n gave him a kiss, "I know you would never do that to me... It just- I never want to be away from you..."

"And I never want to be away from you, my love. You are my everything." Y/n smiled at the man she loved most in this world, "I love you so very much Steven."

"I love you more." Steven smiled back at her.


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