
After a short while of dancing in silence, Anthony spoke to the girl. "So, Miss Sinclair, what is this scheme you and Lady Danbury have conducted to win my favour?" The man was not a fool, he knew that the title of Viscountess was desirable for a young lady. He refused to just marry any woman; he would seek out his own Viscountess who would meet his requirements, when he was ready.

This comment took Beatrice by surprise. She simply could not believe the audacity of the man before her, as if she would want to win his favour. "I can assure you Lord Bridgerton, I have absolutely no intentions of winning your favour."

"A likely story Miss Sinclair" Anthony replied as he continued to dance. The two stood opposite one another, their hands hovering near each other's as they copied the movements of those around them. "I suggest you do not bother; I have no desire to marry you."

"Marry?!" Beatrice almost shrieked at this; she could not believe what he was implying. "I could never marry a man with an ego as large as yours."

Leaning in, Anthony whispered harshly in her ear. "Do not insult me, Miss Sinclair. I could ruin you in the eyes of the Ton." Beatrice could feel the man's hot breath on the side of her face, he was so close that she could almost count every time his heart beat.

"Is that a threat, Lord Bridgerton?" A deathly glare appeared on her face. She could not believe that he was threatening to ruin her social status due to his wrong assumptions. However, Beatrice was never one to back down from an argument, so impulsively she continued. "I should hope that Lady Danbury does not hear of this, for your sake rather than mine. To think you are threatening her dear friend in her home, how uncouth of you."

Anthony was sure that she was mocking him now. He had never allowed himself to become so vexed by anyone, yet it was if he could feel every word the woman uttered deep within his bones. Truthfully, he did not even think about what he was saying, he was just determined to not lose the argument. If there was one thing the man valued, it was his pride, and he would surely not lose it to her.

The two continued their dancing, remaining so close to each other that they were almost breathing in tandem. Despite them being in a room full of people, they were so involved in their discussion that they almost forgot they weren't entirely alone. "You are overstepping your station, Miss Sinclair. I would not be surprised if your social ruin would be of your own doing, seeing as you lack the manners to partake in a simple discussion."

Beatrice was sure this man was the most egotistical brute she had ever encountered, how Lady Danbury would ever pair her up with him she had no idea. Perhaps she had done it as a cruel joke, wanting to see what would cause Beatrice to snap. Learning as close to the man as socially acceptable, she lowly whispered into his ear. "I should rather dance with a bear than you, I am sure it would be rather less barbaric. It would likely look a great deal better than you too." She did not even truly believe the last statement, despite his utterly appalling personality, the man was rather handsome. However, she would not give him the pleasure of knowing that.

Anthony let out a large breath, preparing to hurl back an insult of his own when he noticed that the dance was coming to an end. "Never speak to me again, Miss Sinclair." He breathed out, emphasising each word he spoke.

"With pleasure." Beatrice replied, her chest heaving as she struggled to tame her anger.

Never had a man infuriated her as much as Lord Bridgerton had. She usually had control over her actions, yet this man seemed to lead her into a red-hot rage. Before turning to walk away, she brought her foot up. Then slammed it down onto Anthony's boot, effectively causing him to squirm in pain.

Sinclair (Anthony Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now