Rude Awakening

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Kyms POV

I quickly sprint to my shower, I have never bathed so fast in my life. I wiggled into a white fitted dress that hugged my curves and shrugged on a black blazer with matching heels. I brushed my already straight hair and left it loose, running frantically around my room I began throwing things into my white Berska bag and headed to the door.
"Shit!" I cursed under my breath suddenly remembering my sister had my car. I stood at the road letting a clear whistle escape my lips, moments later a cab pulled up and I instructed him to my company building.
I ran through the lobby waving at Rebecca, finally in the lift I adjusted my hair and clothes before the ding of the top floor.
As I entered the floor I saw him standing beside what I presumed to be my desk, he dropped a thick file on the table and looked at his watch.
"You're late Miss Daniels" he turned to his office "Don't let it happen again"
"Asshole" I muttered sitting at my desk
"What was that?" His head spun back round, I tear my gaze away from him to looking at a paper which laid separate to the file. His timetable for the coming week.
"You have a meeting in 20 minutes in the boardroom" I quickly scan the contents of the first page in the file and turn to him "I don't know who with" I frowned.
He watched me for a while before clearing his throat.
"I'm aware, Monica will brief you on your duties and I expect you in the boardroom in 15 minutes with the appropriate paperwork" he slammed his office door and I could vaguely make out his figure sitting down.
"Stuck up prick" I mumbled before sticking my tongue out at his door, childish I know but I don't really care.

"You must be Kymberly" I turned to see a tall slim woman with platinum blonde hair and ice blue eyes standing there. She stifled her laughter and stretched her hand towards me wrapping her perfectly manicured finger around mine.
"I'm Monica" I tilted my head and look at her intensely, she looked very familiar.
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude. You just look like a spitting image of someone I know" i shrugged off the feeling of dejavu and sat down with her.
She explained everything I needed to know about this meeting and a few of my daily responsibilities. We walked to the photocopier and made enough handouts for the meeting, she showed me where meetings are held including today's one and bid farewell.
We had gotten friendly and she insisted we had lunch together to go over what we didn't cover in our short talk.

I walked into the meeting room to see Mr Sterling already in the room tapping away at his laptop.

"Late again Miss Daniels, I hope this isn't a regular thing" he said looking up at me his eyes twinkling in amusement.
"The meeting hasn't begun yet sir, so I believe I am far from late" I smiled placing the first of the papers at the seat, I could feel his gaze burning into me but I chose to ignore his utter childishness and prep the room.

I placed my laptop at the end of the table and made a pot of coffee for the boardmembers. One by one they began filing in some greeting me while other completely ignored my presence. The meeting began quickly, I tapped away typing things from marketing issues to statistics and keeping profits up. If hadn't taken business law as my major I would have been lost. There was a short break where I gave everyone water or coffee, I handed out the documents to each member around the table. I could feel his eyes burning into me but again I chose to ignore him yet again and keeping my eyes only on the laptop. What is with this man burning holes in my head?

Before I knew it the meeting was over and everyone had cleared out the room, one man lingered talking to Mr Sterling, he nodded to me and left the room, the door slightly ajar.

"What was that Miss Daniels?" He questioned his gazed hooded and no fleck of emotion on his face.
"Well I took a lot of notes during the meeting, but I'll need some time to write a report, I do have a solution on how to make a profit which I'll add in the report later" I said scanning through my notes oblivious to his tall frame towering above me, I looked up practically drowning in the anger which he emitted.
"Now is not the time for you smart mouth" he stepped closer to me, instinctively I step back.
"We do not flirt with boardmembers, I didn't expect you to give it away that easy?" He sneered.
What? I let his words sink it and looked up at him in horror and disgust,
"Is that what you think of me?" I whispered my voice breaking, I was hurt. No actually I was angry, how dare he.
"Listen here Mr CEO, I worked too hard and too long for everything I have, you probably wanted for nothing. But hear me now because I will say this only once do not ever speak to me like that again, you have no right to judge me you stuck up asshole. Not everyone was fed with a fucking silver spoon, I suggest you learn how to treat your employees" I hissed before stomping out of the boardroom. I was outraged, how dare he! How could he?
I stumbled out to see everyone staring at me in disbelief, I noticed Rebecca calling me over I walked to her ignoring the glances and muttering around me.
"I can't believe he said that to you" her emerald eyes softened as I approached her desk
"But he's not a force to be reckoned with Kym" she warned, I snorted and rolled my eyes
"Oh yeah? I am not a force to be reckoned with. He's playing a very dangerous game with me Rebecca" I rested my head on her table "I can't allow myself to be direspected like that, if it's war he wants then game on" I straightened my clothes and waved walking slowly to the elevator, just as I arrived I finally noticed Mr Sterling standing there with a smirk his hands tucked smoothly in his pockets
"Game on" he whispered barely audible to anyone but me. My body stiffened, is he testing me?
The rest of the day went pretty quickly, lunch with Monica was interesting everyone was talking about the argument.

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