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SHE never quite enjoyed life in her village. Albeit the fact it was quaint and homely, and the paint shop she ran was staying afloat, she never felt truly happy.

She huffed to herself, shaking her head for overthinking again. (Y/n) walked to the door of her shop, flipping the closed sign over and propping the door open. The warm breeze of late spring and early summer brushed through her hair. She closed her eyes, sucking in a breath. Her tense body relaxed as her eyes fluttered open once more.

(Y/n) fetched a small pail of water from a nearby counter, walking out of her shop to water the potted flowers which surrounded it. It was a sunny day in early June, perfect for painting outdoors.

The jingling of bells to her left caught her attention, and she set the pail down on the cobble. The neighboring business, Tales and Teacake, had also just opened their doors. It was a cafe and bookstore, run by a young woman and man.

"Good morning, Niki," (Y/n) smiled, catching the attention of one of the shop owners. The young woman paused, and smiled back.

"Good morning to you as well, (Y/n)!" She said, hopping down the store's steps to properly greet her. The two giggled with a small embrace. "How's Karl?"

Niki sighed, and ran her fingers through her soft, platinum blonde hair. "He's left for another one of his adventures, unfortunately. Always out looking for a new book.." she began mumbling. "Oh gods, and he doesn't even have the manners to say goodbye to me," (Y/n) playfully and dramatically gasped, causing Niki to smile. She opened her lips to reply, yet was interrupted.

"I would never!" It was a shocked, higher in pitch male voice, which had came running down from up the street. Karl was dragging along his poor donkey, hurriedly yet clumsily making his way to the two. He crashed into (Y/n) pulling her into a large hug, beckoning Niki to join too. "I was only going to the new glasswares shop that opened closer to the capital," he panted out, still catching his breath. He quickly pulled away from the hug in remembrance. "I completely forgot! I got you two gifts!" He flipped open the satchel that was attached to his donkey's back, rummaging around inside.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile at his sloppy yet sweet antics. He reminded her of the stray dog that would run around with the children on the street. He pulled out three matching glass pendants. "I got us all matching necklaces!" He exclaimed in joy, tying one around his neck he handed one to (Y/n) first, and then to Niki. It was a chrysanthemum¹ petal encased in glass.

Niki and (Y/n) gasped in amazement. "Karl, these are beautiful!" (Y/n) grinned, Niki nodding excitedly in agreement. He smiled cheekily, and closed the satchel. "I saw them and thought of you girls, what can I say!"

A loud trumpet horn echoed through the street. The three simultaneously cringed, knowing it was the stuck-up prince. He came down once a week through the kingdom to look down upon and spit at the people.

A large, dark wood carriage was pulled along by sleek, white horses. "It's Monday already, huh?" Niki grumbled, dusting off her apron. The curtains inside were closed slightly, the inside of it much too dark to see. A small child, around the age of four or so, ran in front of the carriage against the worried protests of his mother. (Y/n) leaped over and pulled the child out of the way, tumbling to the side. He was giggling and smiling, completely unaware of the danger he had just put himself in. The carriage came to a screeching halt, the curtains inside being drawn.

An annoyed blonde man, with sun-kissed freckles and pursed pale lips stuck his head out. (Y/n) was still on the ground, cupping the baby's face to assure herself and the mother that it was okay. The prince cleared his throat, gaining her attention.

"If that idiotic child of yours ever sets foot near my carriage ever again, I'll have not only his but your own heads chopped off," he spat, putting emphasis on the 'chopped off'. (Y/n) scowled, holding the boy close to her. Karl ran over, heaving the two up.

"Oh we're very sorry your majesty! We truly mean no harm-"

"So you're her husband, hm?" The prince interrupted, sneering as he looked Karl up and down.

"Uhm- well- no... we're just acquaintances your highness..." Karl mumbled. His cheeks grew hot at the thought of himself marrying her.

The prince glared at the two, scoffing. "You shouldn't mumble while speaking to your superior, peasant," he spat once more. With a snap of his fingers, the carriage continued onward, the curtains falling and enclosing him in darkness once more.

The mother had jogged across the street, scooping up her baby from (Y/n)'s arms. "Oh my heavens, thank you so much dear! I don't know what I'd do without you!" She gushed, pinching (Y/n)'s cheek. She politely smiled in return. "If I could I certainly would have given that stuck-up prince a piece of my mind, ma'am." She replied.

"Here, for your troubles," the woman dropped a small sack of coins in her hand. She winked and crossed the street to her own home, cradling her son her her arms.

Karl, whom was still stood behind her, was a flustered mess. Niki watched from the steps of their shared shop, with a tinge of envy, before rushing over to (Y/n). She wrapped her arms around her neck and squeezed her tight.

"That was so heroic of you, (Y/n)!"

The girl smiled, thanking her, before adjusting her gaze back to the carriage which was further down the street.

From the back of the carriage, a face glanced at her, before disappearing once more into the safety of the darkness.

¹ - love, loyalty, devotion

-10010 total words

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