Chapter 18: Recharge

Start from the beginning

Trudging out, she and the rest of her family made their way back into the lounge room. All completely tried and worn out from their last mission.

Flexing her hands and shaking her shoulders and arms. Serena felt how tight her muscles were, the scar on her body throbbing painfully as she sat down between Scott and Virgil again.

Both Ritza and York came to greet her. York crawled into her lap, purring away as he curled into a ball, enjoying the scratches behind his ear. Ritza on the other hand started to become bigger than when she first lived with them. She's now the size of a medium dog and growing still. The big cat laid behind Serena, resting its head on her shoulder, receiving chin scratches also purring loudly at the attention.

"Good Kitties." Serena tiredly mumbles, seeing the other four cats running into the lounge and greeting their favourite humans.

"He-he, guess they're happy to see us home." Scott chuckled, picking up Sparks from the ground. "Ah, another mission complete, what a day."

"Aww, hey, Bug." Virgil greeted, his own fluffy grey cat nestling at his legs when he sat down.

"What a week." Gordon groaned, hanging his head. Fish at his side gently swiping at the end of Gordon's sleeves. "Oh, hey, Fish been a good boy?"

"But you guys did great."? Virgil pointed at both Alan and Gordon, looking up from Bug.

Shrugging her shoulders Serena looked from him, then to the two." He's not wrong and thanks for catching me."

"No worries, it's what we do sis." Gordon yawned, stretching his back out.

"I know it's been a tough week with missions back-to-back." Virgil sympathised.

"To back," Gordon added, laying on the couch with fish at his feet now.

"To back." Alan copied, doing the same thing as Gordon, his own cat Boost, gently jumping down from the top of Alan's couch and curling on Alan's chest.

"And now we can all catch a break." Beamed Virgil laying back.

Groaning, Serena tilted her head back feeling Ritza's breathing as she glared at Virgil. "You just jinked us."

"No, I di..." Virgil was interrupted by John calling the group, his portrait.

"Sorry guys. We have a situation." John apologised, looking at their tired faces.


"Don't we always." Serena cheekily sassed, rolling her neck. The satisfying sound of it cracking and releasing the pressure.

Pulling up a map of some areas John began to explain the situation to them all. "Destination, Artic circle. Aurora Borealis; the northern lights. The lights are created by charged particles in the high atmosphere, all that electricity crackling in the air puts on quite the show. Now this power station was designed to harvest energy from it. It's called 'the Aurora generator.'"

"Eh, let me guess." Challenged Alan, sitting up slightly so as to not disturb Boost. "Something went wrong."

"Give that Tracy a prize." John joked, smiling at his little brother. "The system was designed to discharge excess energy, but that fail-safe has malfunctioned. We could be headed for a massive electrical explosion."

"What's the current status?" Questioned Scott, resting back in his spot.

"Approaching dangerous levels. This is a recording of the distress call." John answered, showing them the call.

Leaving forward Serena was careful to watch the recording, as a lady in a red jumpsuit and helmet came up.

"I've done everything I can to stabilise the system, but nothing seems to work. We need immediate assistance." The recording ended with the Lady flickering away.

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