Chapter 1:The beginning

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(a/n) : alright, this is my first story. I apologise for any grammatical errors in advance as English is not my first language.

Third person POV:

Faint footsteps could be heard by one if they listened carefully. The source walked through the forest covered in blood which wasn't hers. The girl was wearing all black accompanied by a veiled straw hat.

"Spirits give me strength." She muttered softly. Opening the red worn out book she carried, two spirits sprang out of it.

"Saori." They began.

"Save it. I know what you both wish to tell me, I have completed the task." She interrupted.

"Very well.. I suppose you now have to head to the southern tribes, there you shall meet a waterbender who is going to be of great use." One of the spirits explained.

The ravenette closed the book as the spirits vanished. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a map.

Saori's POV:

Alright, Southern water tribe it is.

Muttering a few spells the blood tainting my cloths vanished. The forest seemed peaceful.

I heard a raven croak in the distance, I wish I was a raven, do nothing but fly around, harrass someone, eat and sleep.

Third person POV:

The girl muttered a spell as a portal opened in front of her. Stepping through, she was immediately hit by a gust of icy air.

"Waterbender, waterbender, waterbender." She repeated.

"Sweet Kami, how am I supposed to find them." The girl thought.

Closing her eyes the girl attempted to focus on the water in the air and find any type of disturbance. Just then a loud crack fell on her ears.

"What the fuck, is that the waterbender?" She wondered.

A second crack followed after.

"Eh, global warming."

An iceberg broke in the corner of her eye. Just to be sure the girl began to walk towards all the noise.

Suddenly a massive amount of spiritual energy released itself. Cautious, Saori bended the ice and pushed herself towards the source at a great speed.

A beam shot up to the sky illuminating the surroundings.

"What did I get myself into..."

Increasing her speed a small gathering of igloos came into sight. There were barely ten live-able igloos.

"That's it? That's the whole southern tribe?"

Slowing down, she found a middle-aged woman.

"Excuse me?" Saori began.

The woman immediately pulled out a spear. "Spirits! Calm down lady, I am not here to hurt anyone."

The woman raised her eyebrow, not believing the girl one bit. "Prove it."

"How the fu- I mean, how am I supposed to prove it?"

"Drop all your weapons and belongings."

By now a small crowd was starting to gather. Saori dropped her bag and a few weapons on the ground but kept her katana hidden. The woman kicked away everything, it was obvious that she didn't know how to protect herself as her form was weird and Saori's katana was still somewhat visible.

"Please don't kick, you will damage them."

The woman attempted a extremely miscalculated attack at the girl.

Saori evaded in time but the woman raised her weapon again, after evading a few more times the girl's patience was running lower and lower by the second.

Unsheathing her katana she swiftly disarmed the woman and pinned her to the ground.

"Spirits! I just wanted to ask you a few things." Saori groaned.

An old lady walked towards the young girl "Child, I can tell you are still young, tell me, why are you here?"

"I want to meet the southern tribe's waterbender." The girl answered as she adjusted her hat's veil.

"There isn't a waterbender here, you must be mistaken."

"There is one, I am sure of it."

"Dear, the last waterbender was killed by the fire nation multiple years ago."

Saori, already out of patience and fucks to give answered curtly "Listen here granny, it's obvious that you are lying to my face, I want to meet the waterbender and have a chat about something the idiotic spirits want to tell her, now bring her to me so that we can all go on with our own shit."

"Child I am telling you that there is no waterbend-"

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Saori interrupted. "I want the waterbender here or i am going to make this small tribe even smaller."

Saori's POV:

Just then two brats who's seemed a year or two younger than me ran towards me, followed by an................. airbender?

The three ran towards me to attack, great. All I want is to go back and mind my own shit but the universe seems to have different plans.

The oldest of the three imbeciles attempted to swing the weapon in his hand, i dodged and hit him on the head with the hilt of my katana.

Katara's POV:

The girl quite strong, she knocked Sokka out with one hit. It was obvious that she could kill us all if she wanted to.

"What do you want?" I tried to sound confident.

"Ahh.. You." She spoke. I couldn't see her face because of the veil, before I could do anything, she grabbed my hand and vanished.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Sokka screeched. "What did you do? She just disappeared!"

Third person POV:

Saori appeared back in the forest.

Muttering a spell a spirit appeared, "What the fuck was that? Why couldn't I touch her? Why did I get teleported back here?" She threw questions at the spirit.

The spirit chuckled "It's going to be fun kiddo."


"That girl, her brother and that airbender are going to be some important people to you in the future."

"I have told you many times, I am not here to make friends."

The spirit laughed as it vanished leaving the girl confused.

"They aren't going to be your friends, it's going to be much more than that" the spirit thought.

Published- 26 April 2022
950< words

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