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Some say the world would end in fire and others say it would end in ice, while some thought the world would be clouded in an endless veil of darkness.

Meanwhile, Miyuki Kamiya knew the world would end with carnivorous creatures that dwelled within the night and hid in the shadows, waiting for their next meal.

When the sun would rise, there would be only a few moments of peace and the demons would hide away from the sun; under which they would burn immediately.

It hadn't always been like this. Many years ago, humans lived in peace and weren't afraid of what lurked in the darkness.

However, the demon king; Muzan Kibutsuji, after becoming a demon himself, soon found out that he could create demons and did this in search of a rare flower.

The young girl had lived in peace without knowing about the existence of demons or slayers until she was the age of seven and came to see a blood bath in her own home.

Her mother; the kindest woman she had ever known, was ripped to shreds and the only recognizable thing about her was the snowflake pin that lay in the snow; almost like she had tried to run but was immediately thrown into their home, bursting the door apart.

Her older sister, who was as beautiful as she was shy, had her throat torn out and her wide, lifeless green eyes; that reminded the young girl so much of emeralds, stared up at the ceiling with a clouded look.

Meanwhile her father; who was clearly trying to protect the two, had his body thrown over them, a bloodied sword laying inches away from the massacre.

A scream of horror had left the young girl's lips and her frightened young mind made her run as far as she could from the only place she had known.

As she was running, the child didn't hear the cackle that came from behind her until it was too late and her back met the dirt, a hand around her throat as a creature with sharp teeth, drool falling from it's lips stared down into her frightened young eyes.

Whimpers of fear left young Miyuki and sobs left her lips as she tried to push away the creature's hands, only for her small hands to be slapped away with a snarl, the horrible stench of blood making her gag, fat tears falling down her cheeks.

'I can't believe I almost let my meal get away. The young are more rich in flavor than those grown, so I'm going to enjoy this feast!'

Closing her eyes so she didn't see her murderers face, the young girl prayed and hoped that when she died, that she'd at least see her family again.

But when she was expecting something painful, all she felt was a gust of wind as the weight on top of her disappeared and the sound of metal hitting against something echoed through her ears.

Curled into a fetal position, Miyuki covered her head with her arms and her body shook with fear as small sobs fell from her lips, her chest aching as she struggled to breath.

No longer hearing anything besides her ragged breathing and a slight exhale of breath, the young girl slowly uncovered her face as she looked up, shivering from the slight gust of cold air.

There stood a man in a dark icy blue, raindrop patterned jinbei kimono with dark midnight colored pants which were fastened near his shins by sky grey kyahan guards.

Long jet black hair tinted with cobalt highlight was tied up in a high ponytail and went just below the man's shoulders, a sky blue blade with grey lining shone brightly in the moonlight before he slowly sheathed it in the scabbard tied around his waist.

Watching as the man turned towards her, Miyuki looked up at him with tear filled violet eyes and her bottom lip quivered as he walked towards her, crouching down to her eye level.

'You're safe now, little one'

Those very words caused loud sobs to leave the girl and staring at her, the man frowned, not knowing what to do to comfort the crying child.


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