The Capitol

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So I finally got my Lap Top to work! I'm so sorry it took so long, I'll try to publish more chapters soon! I'm so thankful for the few people who are ( hopefully still ) reading this. 

The ride to the train station from the Justice building was short. You have never even been in a car before until now , everyone in the Seam just traveled on foot. You were right not to cry, and right about the people waiting to see you break - The train station was was filled to the brim with reporters with their cameras trained directly on your face, You catch a glimpse of yourself on the television screen on the wall that's airing your arrival live and feel relieved when you seem to look calm. Some might even say bored. 

Before you know it you're sitting on the train to the Capitol. You wished you were heading the opposite direction yet every thing around you seems to remind you that you might be on your way to an inevitable death. 

The train is snobby, seen by the Capitol as " classy, " the seats are plush and soft and you would never admit it but were actually comfortable. You notice the food sitting on a table in the train car and stand from your seat on the couch, there was probably more food on that table than you have seen in your entire life. The food was very tempting but you're afraid that if you ate more than three bites you would be sick to your stomach at the richness. 

Effie tells you and Peeta to sit down, at said table, and wait for our your District 12 mentor, who you weren't exactly thrilled to meet. As you sit there waiting you didn't notice Peeta's attempts at starting a conversation, finally his voice crashes your train of thought. " It's Y/n, right?" He asks, making you turn and look at him. 

Your eyes widen slightly in surprise, you don't believe that you have ever interacted, yet he knows your name. You nod your head slightly, " Yes," He nods and smiles slightly. 

" Do you... know who I am?" He asks you, his eyes slightly hopeful. 

You give a tight lipped smile and nod, " Yeah, you're Peeta. The bakers son," You say, recalling the day he tossed you that bread that just so happened to save your life. " What you did was really brave." He speaks up again. You furrow your eyebrows and looked down at the table, " I wasn't really thinking about it, just reflexes I guess." You shrug your shoulders. You almost jump when a new voice enters the conversation. 

" Good, You'll need a lot of that." 

You spin around and face the owner of the voice, coming face to face with Haymitch Abernathy - District 12's mentor. He was the only District 12 winner still alive, and sadly that meant that he was the only one there to give you and Peeta advice on how to survive. He was known as District 12's drunk, and you would much rather stay away. 

You roll your eyes as he staggers into the room, he's obviously drunk - can he not show up once sober? You watch as your mentor sits silently across from you and begins to grab food from the table and pile it on his plate. Your eyes narrow and you clear your throat - Haymitch looks up with lazy eyes and you raise your eye brows expectantly. 

" So, when do we start?" You ask when he doesn't say anything. 

" Eager are we?" Haymitch grins and your nose scrunches up at the smell of alcohol. 

You sigh rubbing your temples with your fingers - your patience running very thin. " To be honest Abernathy, I would just like to have some kind of a chance in The Games. So maybe, if you just sobered up a little then you could do your job and mentor us." You hiss, slamming your fist down on the table. Peeta cringes slightly and you can tell he wishes you would take all of it back, but it was too late now. 

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