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"Well, that's the last one for the day. Time to go to bed." A woman with two blue butterfly hair clip said

"You go first Aoi. I will be finishing these ones up in my room." A young lady with one purple butterfly hair clip calmly replied

"You seems to be excited today. Did something happened to you?" The woman asked again

"No it's nothing Aoi. Just being happy about something."

"Oh, let me think. Tomorrow is, aha! It's because of him isn't it?" Aoi figured it out

"Well yes. But not just him Aoi, the rest as well. Including Inosuke kun." She teased Aoi

"What? Why did you bring up his name?"

"Don't think you could hide it Aoi. One day, you have to say it."

"Same goes to you too Kanao." Aoi rebutted

"You do know that is impossible." Kanao tries to deny it

"Nonsense! It will be fine! Tanjiro san will accept you. I'm confident." Aoi getting pumped up

"Then, I should get going then. These papers aren't gonna get checked themselves aren't they now?" Kanao closes the door behind her

"Right, see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Aoi."

As the two women goes in the opposite direction of one another, Kanao was heading straight towards her room with papers in her arms. She slides open the door and it was dark. She puts down all the papers and light up a small lamp before closing the doors. She sat on the table to began reading her patients needs and their prescriptions. She's been doing this for hours until she felt a bit tired.

"Huaa..... It's been a long day." She looked towards a frame. "I can't wait to see you my love."

She said as she rubs her finger on a certain redhead on a single group photo. Her head was already on the desk being supported by her arms. Slowly as the cold winds blew, she fell asleep. The wind blew in again and the lamp was put out making it all dark again.





















Meanwhile in more modern time Japan, a clock shaped like a cat had rang and it caught the attention of its owner. The clock was quickly turned off as she fidgets around looking for it. She snuggles in her blanket before finally getting up for school. It was the early winter so it was cold.

"Huh." A small gasp escaped from her mouth

She got up for her daily routine to get ready for school. She's feeling a bit excited for the day like any other day she would when she was going to school. This was because she made friends, even with her having a communication disorder. And yet, she tries her hardest to do just that. To communicate.

'All ready!' She thought to herself

She looks at her clock and noticed it was still a bit too early. Did she missed something? She had already worn into her uniform and everything but she felt like something was missing. She sat down on her desk trying to remember what it is. But as the cold air hits her skins, she felt a bit hazy. Bit by bit, she slowly lose consciousness and her head was on the desk. She fell asleep before going to school.

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