Date Night

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Diavolo x MC x Lucifer
This is a remake of my original book from about two years ago, as promised.
I've gotten alot better at writing or would like to think so at least.
Let me get this straight, I'll be keeping literally nothing in the original, including the rapey factor and the absurd amount of assignments (Diavolo was such a dick in the original for pulling that BS).
I'll be keeping the period blood because I believe it's what made it so iconic and remembered for it's absurdity in the original and generally what kick-started my books.
On we go with the shit show.
Now, only women have periods, HOWEVER.... if you're a man you can bleed out your ass if you want or just imagine you're female (I will of course be making some chapters for men if requested.
now strap on (pun intended) and enjoy the ride (pun also intended) this one will be a long one (pun also also intended)

You were staying at the Demon Lord's castle, which was ordinary for you, as you had been scrapping with the demon brothers as of recent; especially Mammon and Levi because those bitches wouldn't shut their traps.

Diavolo had notice the decline in your mental health; you had lost that little bit of 'spunk' as some would say; he had noticed the little things, such as the loss of the bounce in your step, and the little smile you would always have on your face.
So there you were, late at night, doing your assignments, piles of them (fuck you I actually doubled the amount of assignments, Diavolo is even more of a dick now)
You released a deep sigh, groaning as you brushed back your hair smoothly, a sudden knock at your door is heard,
"Come in" you mutter, dropping your pen.
"Miss MC, it's time to wake-- ah, it seems you have already awaken."
"Barbatos!" You smiled at him.
"Good Morning Miss MC, It is time for your meal."
"Why do you always have to sound so royal, Barbs?" You laugh, get up and pat his back as he smiles back at you.

He leads you down the dimly lit hall, you trotting alongside him with a smooth bounce in your step and a slight purr as you approached the dining hall.

"Thank you, Dear Barbatos for escorting our lovely miss MC!" Diavolo clapped with a slight laugh and you turn around to thank him but Barbatos seemed to have completely vanished from existence...

"Lord Diavolo! Lucifer..? Where are the rest of the demon brothers?"
"Well MC, as you may have noticed, it is midnight, and we wanted to spend some quality time with you! Just you, the demon prince and his right hand man! The avatar of pride."

You had never been very observant or keen on the small details but how did you not even think to check the windows lining the halls? The curtains were drawn and it was pitch black outside, rows of candles lighting the dimly lit hallways and the eerie quietness of the halls.

You hadn't even bothered to check the time, despite having a clock ON YOUR DESK YOU WERE STUDYING AT....

Still, you proceeded forwards, sitting in the chair obviously assigned to you that was in-between the two of the demons.
Diavolo placed his hand atop yours', smiling softly at you.
"So, MC, how was your night?"
"What? I'm trying to be nice..."
"Diavolo, we brought MC here for a reason."
"What was that reason again"
"Oh Lord Diavolo save me..." Lucifer muttered under his breath and covered your ears
"I think it's pretty obvious we wanted to surprise her.... Remember, the whole hot tub waiting?"
"Ohh, yeah, yeah." The lord nodded.
"What're you guys talking about?"
The two of them shouted before Lucifer took his hand away from your ears
"Alrighty then..."
"Now, MC, finish up eating, we have a surprise."
"How did the two of you-- you know what? I won't ask how- WHERE'D THE PLATES EVEN GO??"
Apparently Diavolo had the ability to make anything he wanted disappear now.
And so, the two of them watched with loving eyes as you slowly ate your food.
In silence.
In a creepy ass dingy room.
Yeah, no, demons weren't very romantic....

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