Inumaki x reader

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(This contains smuts so young gs be careful)

Storyline begins:

You where exchanged in another school but not just an ordinary school.
You asked why you where transferred but your mom didn't reply but didn't want to be late for your first day of school.
So you lay down and kept overthinking about  the new school but eventually slept.
You then waked up and check the time
Y/n: "Sh!t. 8 am"
You then dressed up and get ready, you rushed downstairs and asked
Y/n: "What time does the school start"
Your mom replied with
Mom: " 10 am why?"
You sighed in relief and grabbed your breakfast
Y/n: "Bye mom!!"
Mom: "Honey its still 8:1-"
And cut her off and ran to the school.
You saw a group of people on the entrance and asked
Y/n: "Excuse me do you know where-"
????: "Your the new student right?"
You then nod your head
????: "I'm Maki, that panda is Panda, that brown haired girl is Nobara, that grayed hair is Inumaki, that blacked hair is Megumi and that pinked haired boy is Itadori what about yours?"
Y/n: "O-oh me? I'm Y/n"
Maki: "Follow us!"
Y/n: "Ok..."
You followed them and took a look at Inumaki
Y/n POV: "Gahhhhh he's so hot *blushing*"
Maki: "Here we are"
Y/n: "This is the classroom right?"
Maki: "Yes we better go in before the bell rings"
Y/n: "O-ok *enters*
You where assigned to sit next to Inumaki and you spent the whole class looking at him.
After class Inumaki pinned you to the wall and mumbled
Inumaki: "I know you like me..."
and kissed you. You where screaming in your mind and felt butterflies in your stomach.
It was night and you decided to walk down the dark street on the way home but you suddenly fainted and woke up in a bed and saw someone changing there shirt.
You said on tour mind
Y/n: "Is that Inumaki?..."
Inumaki looked at you and chuckled he kissed your lips and pinning your hands on the bed so you wont move.
You then begged to fuck and that lead Inumaki to shock. You tought he would say no but he than took off your clothes and started touching your posay you than groan he took off his clothes and puts his hand on your head and making you lick his dick.
You put your mouth on his dick and started licking it he than moaned and started licking your posay that made you moan out his name he lightly slid his dick to your posay and made you moan louder so he covered your mouth then you cummed.
You both sat down after it.

(Idk what to do anymore 😭😭😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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