"I'm gonna shower." I announce. "You better be up and ready to go see your friends when I come out."

I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I switch on the water and discard his hoodie on the floor. I step into the shower and let the water run over me. After only a few minutes alone, the door to the bathroom opens. I see Marshall's silhouette through the steamy glass and he steps in with me. Immediately, pushing me against the wall of the shower and wedging himself between my legs.

"We have to go." I laugh while he kisses my collar bones.

"Tell me to stop and I will." He says, kissing his way up to my neck and then whispering in my ear. "I don't think you want me to."

I melt at his words, throwing my arms around his neck and letting him do what he wants. He smirks, knowing that he's won. And with that, Marshall and I are together for the seventh time in twenty four hours.


We get to Infinite at around seven. Evidently that time in the shower turned into four more times on the way out. Now that we're finally composed, it's time for him to see all of his friends. We step out of the Cadillac and he holds my hand, guiding me through the upstairs. I follow him down the familiar stairs and in no time at all we're walking through the gym door. Cash is the first to spot us and sprints over, nearly tackling Marshall in an enormous hug.
I release his hand, enabling him to hug his friend back. Cash is just the first of them to come. As soon as Marshall's presence is known, all of his friends flood around. I'm greeted with a few unexpected hugs and as soon as Marshall can he brings me back by his side.

"I can't believe you can even stand up man." Cash tells him. "You're still the toughest out of all of us."

Marshall isn't paying attention. He squeezes me against his body and kisses my temple. We've attracted the eyes of almost all his old friends and Cash flashes his Oscar winning smile at us.

"Well maybe not that tough." Cash mumbles.

"Haven't changed a bit." Marshall sighs in reference to Cash's well known humor.

More banter is exchanged between the guys. I'm happy to see him with them. He looks so carefree and young with them. He seems almost untouched by everything that's happened. It sparks joy in me to know that at least in this moment, he's happy.

"Dude so like where's Emmett?" Marshall asks Cash, and I feel my heart plummet into my stomach.

Fuck. Okay I should just calm down. He didn't even ask me. It make sense to ask Cash, just as long as I'm not involved I'll be able to bite my tongue.

"Central Correctional." Cash laughs. "He's got ten years and probation so he'll be back in a few months."

My fake smile drops. Probation? Already? No. This isn't happening to me. Flashbacks of our visit come flooding, uninvited, into my mind. I feel Emmett's lips all over again and I feel like vomiting. I can't lie to Marshall anymore. I can't let him find out another way.

"Marshall I need to tell you something." I whisper to him, amongst all the chatter.

He looks down at me and kisses my forehead, smiling. Before he says anything, Rule calls from his office by the ring.

"Marshall, come here." He sounds serious, a tone that seems more fit for an old man than Rule. "Now."

"I'll be right back." He says and releases me to go talk to Rule.

Now I'm left all alone in this sea of men who I haven't seen in what feels like years. My level of discomfort rises in Marshall's absence and is almost destroyed when Maverick engulfs me in a big hug.

"Good to see you." He says, putting me back down on the ground making me realize I had been picked up.

"Same to you." I smile, peering my eyes around him to the office door. What are they talking about?

Maverick continues to fill me in on everything that's been going on while I was away. I know it's rude but I mostly tune him out. My mind rushes through ways to explain to Marshall about Emmett. What if Rule is telling him right now? I hope to god that he doesn't say anything. It's not his place to be the one to tell him. It has to be me. I have to tell him.

"So that's really it." Maverick finishes after a speech of at least ten minutes.

"Sounds tough." I say, hoping that is an appropriate response to whatever he had been telling me.

"Believe me, it was." He laughs and I exhale with relief.

Just after Maverick finishes, the door to Rule's office opens. Marshall comes out first, looking distraught. My thoughts immediately go spiraling down into the worst possible scenario. He knows. He has to. What else could it be?
Rule places his hand on Marshall's shoulder and tells him something I can't make out. Marshall nods solemnly at him. Fuck, he's upset. I knew he would be like this. My heart pounds furiously in my chest as the two of them walk over to us. I try my best to appear as if everything is normal.
Marshall takes me by the arm gently and leads me away from the group. Guilt pools in the pit of my stomach and I'm afraid I'll throw up. He looks so, sad. I feel a pain in my chest and the words tug at my vocal chords, urging to be spoken. I open my mouth to speak, but Marshall cuts me off.

"My brother has died."

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