Reaching the goal

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Max, Harvey, Dobby.

*This was a quick chapter made just this evening since Max had just done a football match and I had an idea for a chapter. Enjoy!*

*Max P.O.V*

I'm really excited, today's the football match I've been asked to join in with. I've got my own kit just like everyone else, a dark blue set, but I was more drawn to the socks they had given me. Harvey knows how much we both love each other when wearing some long socks like these. I fall apart, throbbing and begging at the knees whenever Harvey's surprised me with his handsome fit. 

"Good luck today, baby"

"Thanks, Harv. You know, when I'm done, I should get some kind of reward back, right?"

I smirk, moving myself closer to Harvey, stroking my finger down his smooth cheek.

"Maybe, we'll see. Just don't let one of those footballers take you"

"I'd never, Harv. You're the only one I want"

Harvey gives me a final kiss on the cheek, smiling and cheering me on as I walk into the player's changing rooms. I get in seeing there's like five players here at the moment, the game starts soon so I don't waste any time in getting changed. Dobby's popped in to come see me as well.

"You're in the wrong area, man. Just come here to spy on everyone, huh?"

"You know it, Max. Of course, nobody beats you"

"Get outta here before Harvey catches you tryna steal me off him"

I chuckle, trying to slip on the football socks, they're so tough to pull on, it's ridiculous. As I manage to get them on just below my kneecaps, a dirty thought enters my mind. I picture me bent over the benches in this room, Harvey's fucking me, feeding my own sweat to me off his fingers, I'm moaning and begging for his fat, juicy cock and cum. Fuck, it's such a sight, so vivid, I felt my cock grow through the shorts. The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether my balls will bounce about on the field while I'm running around like a hyperactive dog.

"Playtime in five, Max. Don't be last"

A player tells me.

"Got it, man. See you on the pitch"

Everyone starts to leave the room while I get on my boots, I hope I can play well. We'll have to see, I just need some motivation, Harvey's good at doing that.

"Don't tell me they've kicked you off the team already?"

I turn my head seeing Harvey standing there, looking handsome as ever.

"Haha, so much faith in me, Harv. Course not, I'm trying to get these fucking boots on"

"Let me help you, jeez, you're nineteen and you can't even slip on some boots"

I sit back on the bench as Harvey comes, drops to his knees and helps me slip on my boots. A slight shiver runs through my body as Harvey's sudden touch on my feet makes me twitch. Then it happens again, that thought. Harvey fucking me senseless in this room, my sweaty body encased against his. Harvey moves his head closer towards me, I barely held it in, throbbing through my shorts and Harvey's beaming. I should've expected it as Harvey buried his face into my bulge, my cock instantly twitched against his face.

"There you go, baby boy. Now, sort your problem out before you go on pitch or you'll be red as fuck"

"Thanks, Harv"

I get up, kissing Harvey before running out the changing room, just managing to calm myself down as I reach the pitch. Here goes, showtime...

*Harvey P.O.V*

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