Chapter 19 - Magic is Might

Start from the beginning

"Well, firstly because he didn't know about Daisy back then, because she didn't exist yet." Emily said with an eye roll, and Fred grinned. "But to be real, he just didn't see the value in corrupting his offspring then. Obviously now he does, but it's too late to corrupt me. I'm grown. And - I'm sorry, Daze - but when you were only a baby, I came face to face with him for one of the few times in my lifetime, and he did try to recruit me, but I shouted at him that he should just shut up and listen to his little prophecy, and maybe you were listed as his mortal enemy for a reason; you were powerful, and he should have been trying to recruit you and corrupt you from a young age instead."

I blinked; woah.

"It wasn't my proudest moment." Emily admitted. "I instantly regretted it the second he was gone. I actually fully expected him to kill your family and kidnap you, I was so terrified I went straight to Dumbledore and told him everything. And of course as everyone knows, a few days later the news came of James and Lily, and that you two had survived the Killing Curse. But strangely, Dumbledore told me what I had done was 'both good and bad,' and said something weird, what was it...?"

She trailed off again, her eyes searching the ceiling, before turning back to me.

"Yeah, he said that I'd planted an idea in Riddle's head, and that your connection with him was stronger as a result, Daisy. Y'know, that weird connection you guys have, the scar and the visions... well, your connection is stronger than Harry's because of Riddle's belief that you were special and could be turned onto his side, even though he tried to kill you."

"And that's good because now he's not trying to kill her, because he realises the connection he has with her?" George asked.

"Sort of. As the years have went on, the connection became stronger, or so Dumbledore told me before he died." Emily said. "Well, now it's so strong that he's in love with her. So I guess the butterfly effect of what I did all those years ago was good after all; he's definitely not going to kill you now, Daisy."

"What a relief." I said sarcastically, and the room laughed.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out together and eating warm food, pulling the occasional cracker and just generally having a good time. But the subject of my missing wand and Riddle's connection with me was in the back of my mind all day, so much so that my friends had much more difficulty than usual pulling me out of the love potion later on.

"Fuckin' hell, Softpaw," Fred panted as Terry slammed the lid shut on the Boggart, him and George pinning me down on George's bed, "you're wild."

"Yeah, why'd you have to nearly ride him right in front of me." George grumbled.

"She already did that to me." Terry said with a poker face. The twins turned to him, their jaws dropping. "Yeah. As an alternative to the Cruciatus Curse. Mr Tommy thought it would be funny to make her ride him right in front of me and forced me to watch. Let's just say," he wrinkled his nose, "that I'm a hundred percent sure that I am very gay."

"Lol." I said.

"No offence, Softpaw." Terry said. "You're gorgeous. Remember I once made myself believe I was into you because you're so beautiful."

"Aw." I said, making a face up at him from where I was still pinned down. "Love you, king."

"Love you, queen."

"Guys, shut up."


Later that night, I lay in my own bed, feeling the silver band on my ring finger, thinking about my husband. His handsome face, his dark hair that, the last time I'd seen him, was starting to need a trim; little curls had been starting to form at the back of his neck and were slightly framing his face, his defined face, with the high cheekbones and sharp jawline, his dark red eyes...

Daisy Potter and the Fallen Angel (Book 7, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now