Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I was traveling through the woods or well Zach was and I was on his back, asleep. We were at Zach's old pack house trying to find some stuff but his house was burnt to the ground.

I grew tired searching so now I was on his back asleep. I yawned and I shifted my head, placing it in the crock of his neck.

Zach chuckled and I yawned again before lifting up my head sleepily and looked around.

"How much longer?''

"About 20 more minutes"

"I'm sorry about your house Zach" I whispered into his neck, he shivered and I smirked.

"Don't do that"

'I'm sorry' I said into his thoughts.

'It's okay' he said back.

When we were near the pack house, I jumped off his back and moved to his side. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me close to him. I smiled a little but then realised why he did it, my smile slipped into a frown.

Alpha Damien was on my land- okay Zach's land- sucking off my sisters face, she looks like me so I know why. Did I care? No I didn't, not one bit.

I was glad to see him finally moving on. He looked at me and when I showed no jealousy he did the unimaginable, he kissed down her neck and marked her.

He looked over at me and I just shrugged, keeping my face blank and emotionless.

"Come on Zach, let’s leave them to alone" I said and grabbed his hand, dragging him away.

Alpha Damien's POV

I wanted Bailey, she was strong and smart. Together we would be the most powerful ruling alphas out there.

But no, that stupid Zachary had to come along and ruin everything! He has marked her now, and she doesn't seem to want to let him go any time soon.

My family say I have gone power crazy. Psh, what they know.

I had a great plan, I stalked over to Bailey's sister, and I place my mouth on hers and shoved my tongue down her throat. I smelt Bailey and looked to the side to see her face.... Blank.

No emotion what so ever, just to make things worst I marked her sister.

Bailey said something to Zachary and she dragged him away, she acted like she didn't care, that whore.

I realised what I had done, reality came crashing down on me, and I had marked her sister.

Marked her sister

Her sister

Just f***ing great!

I looked at her, she didn't look half bad and she did look like she was good in bed. Maybe this might work out.

Zach's POV

I can't believe he did that but I was glad, at least I have Bailey to myself now.

I looked at her when she laughed at Corey's stupid joke. Bailey trusted me with her life and I would do anything to protect her.

She smiled at me before walking across the field to see Alpha Blake, Bailey looked excited about something and so I made my way over to her.

"Blake found his mate! Finally, I thought you were going to grow old * sniff* forever alone" Bailey said whipping away a fake tear.

Blake playfully shoved her and she shoved him back adding a little more force causing him to fall over.

"I'll like you to meet my mate" Blake said as he got off the ground and dusted himself off.

He went behind the tree and brought out a girl.

"Hi I’m Amy"

No it couldn't be...,

Alpha Blake's new mate is my....step-sister?

(I was going to end it there but decided against it)

Bailey's POV

Zach acted weird ever since Amy showed herself.

"Zach... Are you okay" I whispered to him and place a hand in his shoulder.

He didn't answer me but just stared at Amy I patted his shoulder twice before walking off.

What on earth is wrong with him?


I walked inside and saw James and Alex cuddling up together. She reminded me that we needed a plan, a strategy for the attack.

I walked up to the office and sat down in the chair at the desk. I took out a map; I circled where they were and where their guards were.

I heard the door open and I looked to see Corey.

"And here I think you gave up the position, were you lying?"

I rolled my eyes

"No, we need to do a plan for the attack"

"Attack, weren’t they meant to attack us?

"Yeah, but what happens when they attack us, we need guards set out in front of the safety home, where James and Alex will be along with all the children and ones who are too old to fight."

"Same old Bailey got everything figured out.''

I smiled at him


I set up everything and grabbed some papers, I needed to run this over with Zach, now where is he?

I tried to reach him but failed, he had me blocked.

'Zachary! Where are you? I need to ask you something' I said breaking is wall, sometimes I love having alpha blood.

There was no answer and I felt sadness dwell over me, knowing it was Zach's I tried again.

'Zach? Are you okay?'

'Just leave me alone Bailey'


'Leave. Me. Alone!' He shouted and the connection was cut. Stupid mates.

I placed the plan on his desk,

I walked downstairs and looked for Libby, I found her in the kitchen.

"Hey Libby wanna go out for a bit and get out of the god forsaken house?"

"Sure, let’s ask Alex, she likes to shop. Unlike somebody" she said giving me a pointed look.

"Go ask and I will grab my keys"


I grabbed my keys and my jacket; I headed outside with the girls following. I saw Zach come out of the forest, he looked over at me and I looked away. What had kind of mates are we? One fight after the other, but this one had something to do with Amy.

I watched the road with a frown on my face, we got to the mall and the girls went wild, I told them to stay close to me just in case something happened. They nodded and went into a dress store. I leaned up against the window, why did I suggest this?

After 2 hours of pure torture we were now eating down at the food court.

On our way home I saw a car come ing straight for us,

"Buckle your seatbelts and hold on tight!" I shouted just as the car hit us, we went rolling down the hill and everything went black.


Who do you think hit them, the dark Moon pack or Alpha Damien? Just to let you know it was aimed for Bailey.

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