chapter 4

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felix could only imagine how embarrassing it would be if chan woke up right about now.

the rain has been pouring for some time, and chan has been sitting on the faded couch against the far wall of the library reading a book he plucked from a random shelf. he had his head in the pages all while felix restocked the shelves and did some tidy work around the isles, and when felix finally finished up and went to go check in with him, chan had fallen asleep.

it was quite funny, actually- he was no delicate sleeper. his mouth was wide open and very small snores, almost inaudible, drifted from the back of his throat; his head was craned over his shoulder, the book now laying in his lap, hands balled up in fists from some type of sleep reflex. his legs were tucked indian style beneath him, and every so often, he'd mumble incoherent nothings, as if he was trying to tell the story of his dream, felix couldn't help but let a tiny laugh escape the confines of his tight-lipped smile.

no matter, he knew better than to let him sleep- most often, people hate knowing they've slept too long, especially in a public place. he sat on the stout coffee table in front of the aged couch and nudged chan's knee, whispering a rousing, "hey, wake up."

chan's eyes shot wide open, and blood rushed from the nape of his neck to the tips of his ears as if somebody had taken a paintbrush to the skin. he laughed anxiously, unballing and flexing his hands repeatedly, and then he said, "oops."

"was the book boring?" "no, no-uh, i guess i just got tired," he scratched his neck, and felix wondered if that was a social habit. "the rain makes me sleepy."

"it's very quiet in here, i'm not surprised. i provably would've been knocked out, too, If i wasn't busy doing stuff. but i'm all done now."

"that's good, then."

"mhm." the employee nodded, unable to fight the natural grin that glued itself to his face. chan was just so intriguing.


"I'm not very good with conversation."

"no kidding!"

"hey!" chan laughed, and felix felt it reach down into his stomach and twist it from the inside. oh, how he liked that laugh.

"well, let's see," felix wiggled around on the table, getting as comfortable as it would allow him to, "what's your major?"

"music. mainly producing stuff, you?"

"english lit. seems fitting enough, huh?"

"you do work in a library."

"music, huh? i wouldn't have pegged you for that. maybe like, a history major. i don't know."

"history? what about me says history?"

"your unkempt hair and wide selection of hoodies, for starters."

"hey, hoodies are comfortable, okay?" chan teased, "I don't need to look good for college."

felix chuckled low and picked at his fingertips, running his thumb pad over the chipped yellow nail polish on his ring finger, he stared at the color as he spoke, "your girlfriend doesn't mind your lazy style, then?"

"oh, i don't have a girlfriend. girls aren't... they're not really my type, y'know?"

"oh," felix met eyes with him, a new type of cheeky grin taking over his freshly pink face, "well, that's good to know."

cute librarian // chanlixWhere stories live. Discover now