"Is it okay if I come in after school to talk to you about this? I'm in practice right now, and I wanna make sure I can give you my full attention," practice?

"Yeah that's fine, we'll have a good rest of your day then,"

"You too!"

"That's a really pretty color, Deuce," you said after hanging up the phone. He was coloring his numbers in with the same shade of green.

"It's my daddy's color," you nodded your head

After the day finished you finally dismissed the students, holding back Deuce since his dad was going to come in, "You're gonna stay with me until your dad comes to pick you up, okay?"

"Can we color until he comes please?" He had the cutest little voice and you couldn't possibly say no to him.

"Yeah of course, do you want to use one of these?" You held up different color pages for him to pick, after he picked the one he wanted, you picked one for yourself and started coloring.

You looked up when you heard a knock on the door, you got up to go open it seeing the most, and you weren't even exaggerating, he was the finest man you've seen in your entire life.

"Hi, I'm Deuce's dad, Jayson," he extended his hand for you to shake, and you had to mentally slap yourself out of your staring, he had on a pair of grey joggers with a matching hoodie and white air forces.

"I'm Y/N, Deuce is right over th-," you began speaking before you were cut off by Deuce.

"Daddyyyyy," he screamed as he ran towards his dad, he immediately picked him up, and that had to be the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen.

We love a man that's good with kids.

"I missed you, little man," Jayson said as you walked towards your desk, he sat down in front of you, in a chair you had pulled for him.

"I heard some kids were bothering you?" He asked and Deuce nodded his head.

"Yeah but Ms. Y/N tells them not to, and she helps me with my work," you nodded your head as Deuce talked with a smile on your face.

"Yeah that's what I wanted to talk to you about, earlier one of the kids hit him, and they usually say stuff about his mom and stuff," you saw Jayson's expression drop at the mention of his mom, "I don't really know what's happening at home but I know it's a sensitive topic for him,"

"Yeah umm," he cleaned his throat and you instantly felt bad for bringing it up, "His mom left him with me and basically disappeared so he technically has no mom. It's just me and my mom taking care of him when he's not in school," you nodded your head, making sure to let him know you were listening.

"Yeah, I understand. I just don't want this to become a problem where he doesn't want to come anymore. I have him sit here with me every day, but I just wished he could make some friends, he's just smarter than the rest if we want to be honest."

You honestly wondered how could anyone abandon their own child like that, especially when his father looks the way his Deuce's did.

"I appreciate you calling. I truly didn't know this was happening, my mom usually comes to pick him up since I'm at basketball practice most of the days,"

"Oh, you play for college?" You asked, making him laugh.

" I used to. I play for the Celtics," your eyes immediately widened. How could you not notice, the man had to be almost if not 7 feet tall, and that's when it all clicked.

"My god I'm slow. I don't really have time to keep up with sports like that but your name does sound familiar," you laughed shaking your head, "I bet you're gonna be like daddy too huh?" You asked Deuce and he nodded his head.

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