Do You Know Where You Are?

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Gender is a social construct. Some may argue via metaphysics that gender is inherent due to it's relationship with sex. Some people are also wrong. Here on earth as we know it humans even get sex wrong. We determine the sex of an animal based on whether or not it has a dick.

Bees distinctly have a non reproductive gender roll that we by virtue of them not having dicks label as female. Even if they don't have the ability to produce young. Bees have three sexes, Male, Female and Worker.

The worker plays a critical role in reproduction: Support.

In the Omegaverse there are two descriptors of sex, visible, and functional. What gender you are assigned at birth is bases on visible sex. Penis or Vagina.

Functional sex doesn't show itself until much later in life, just after puberty finishes up. All humans have both testes and a womb but only one presents visibly and frequently one of the organs is considered vestigial. Non functioning.

Without the hormones to tell the organ to do its job the organ is useless. Alphas only have functional testes and are quite rare. Omegas are rarer and have functional wombs but vestigial testicles.

Betas are like worker bees. All of their reproductive organs lack the hormones to procreate. The hormones in question produce a smell that gets stronger at certain intervals at which the person is most fertile. These are called heats and ruts. Both are known to cause intense pain and clouded judgment.

Ivo happens to be in rut today. He has a mountain of progress to make by an ever closing deadline. He has four virtual meetings to attend and cannot afford to piss off the sponsors of his project. He can't afford to take the week off to take care of himself. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

The esteemed Dr. Robotnik is a bit of a fool when it comes to social dynamics. Fumbling around like an Alpha half his age, immature, impulsive and needlessly hungry for dominance over others. It's bad on a normal day. In rut it's leagues worse.

He came into work as prepared as he could be. Using illegal hormone blockers to lessen his urge and special soap to mask his scent. It wont help him feel better but it will definitely prevent a Beta like Stone from pointing out that he's come to work in rut.

Stone walks in the trailer five minutes early with coffee as usual. The smell of his home brewed coffee in that signature paper cup is undeniable. Ivo's cock throbs and his mood softens. He takes the coffee maintaining his resting bitch face as he takes a sip.

"Too much cinnamon." He grumbles.

Stone responds "I'll use less next time." His face is enough indication that he understands what he's done.

Sometimes Ivo worries he's too hard on the Beta, and yet like clockwork Stone keeps taking time out of his life before his shift, before hes on the clock to be kind to him. Likely having to get up a half hour earlier than he would otherwise to do so. If he were truly too hard on him perhaps that routine would stop. Support is the role of the Beta, and Ivo knows this.

The only other explanation would be that Stone cares. That thought alone makes it hard to focus. He likes Stone, he rarely challenges his authority and puts in more effort to learn how to read the doctor's needs than any assistant that came before him.

By virtue of the man's secretarial style job Stone behaves a bit like an Omega. On most days this is a blessing Ivo takes for granted. But today, the harmonal Ivo takes notice. It takes a significant amount of energy not to growl at the Beta and drool right in front of him.

There are two main situations in which a Male alpha fucks a Male beta. The first is to put the beta in his place. The second is due to inability to find an omega. The difference? The first option is considered cruel and immature but a sign of strength nonetheless. The second is a sign of weakness, that the Alpha was so undesirable and weak that no Omega would ever want him.

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