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(her outfit ↑ her height is grown only a few inches)



time is something we cherish more than anything because it's decide what kind of future we gonna lead...

But sometimes when we wait for something or someone it feels like time is not tickling it's too slow but it's just our excitement and fear are showing...

I was postured on my hard cement bed in prison and waiting...
Waiting for someone to come and free me from this hell...

Where I live for 5 whole years!!

But there was also a nagging voice in my mind

What if...

What if something goes wrong?

What if at the last minute my freedom--

No, no nothing going wrong, I won't let it, I'm prepared this time I'm not naive like teenagers of my age, I'm a fighter! Yes, I take a deep breath, and when the warden comes with head police and some unknown faces...

The head police:- I'm sorry for the injustice you felt, and I am happy to announce that you are no longer a prisoner you are free to go your home!

I just looked at him until the last word he say I heard him say my home I guess? I looked at him confused and asked what are talking about??

The head police:- home miss. You are free to go and live your life with your family...he said that with a smile on his face.

My blood went cold I feel like my head gonna burst! with the last bit of patience, I asked...

I don't have a home so can you please tell me what are talking about, I got it I'm free and I think you all know that I'm capable enough to live on my own!! So help me god what the fuck are you talking about!? I asked with the coldest voice I ever used!

Yes, miss. Luthra-- it's Dhruvi I told the blue-dressed woman who looks like she has no problems in her life!!

The blue-dressed woman- Ah, sorry miss. Dhruvi but it's decided that you are still a minor and according to the law you can't live alone until you are an adult in the eyes of law, and because you are not an orphan and your family is very happy to have you back, you are going Luthra house your home. She said with a calm voice and a soft smile

NO, I-- sorry to cut your words but miss. Dhruvi it's all decided you have to go your home and live until you are an adult!! That woman said with a calm but firm voice.

And that was the moment I knew I am not leaving prison
I'm going there...

(Flashback ends)

Why, why my life is so fucked up why can't live a life with peace... I asked myself why I'm still going there I can just run from there I thought but then I pinch myself, I'm not a coward I'm a fighter I don't run from the problems I fight with them...

I take a deep breath and chanted in my breath It's okay ruvi! It's just to 3 months and then I'm free...

Yes!! Just 3 months. I can tolerate them, I thought with a new determination seat in the police car with the blue dress lady which I got to know her name is malti... She is a counselor that the court sends for me...

It's not like I need one, but okay whatever takes to get lit of this hell! I thought. While still have my hold face on!!

Everything is going to be okay miss. Dhruvi... Malti said with a soft smile on her face which according to me is irritating it's like she fucking knows what will happen or that she knows me too well!!

But if she thinks like that then she is wrong because I'm not that naive 14-year-old girl!!

I'm the new me who came from the darkest place where even for a portion of food you have to fight!! The new me knows how to fight!! I thought while I look outside the car window... And ignore her...

(30 minutes later)

I looked outside the car window and saw that place...

That place which I hate the most... Where I have my sweetest and darkest memory, I never want to come back here...

The Luthra house!!

Malti looked at me with a smile and said let's go.. we are at your home.
I glared at her, for her choice of words but didn't comment on that... Because if I opened my mouth here I'll curse her to death!!

I just put on my cold mask and jump out of the jeep while Malti strode out later... Gracefully.

Together we made our way to my new prison for 3 months I thought sarcastically!! And made my way to the stairs and thought get over with it so I can sleep damn it...

Malti knocked on the door while I stand behind her with a bored look!

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