Demanding to be Noticed

Start from the beginning

Despite meeting many people in her lifetime, Beatrice was sure that her mother was one of the most wonderful people in the world. Not many mothers would be seen to comfort their child in such a way, especially not in front of the mounting crowd that were the mamas and debutantes preparing for their entrances. She gave her mother's hand a quick squeeze before dropping it. Esther grinned at this, knowing her daughter would be perfectly fine.

"Miss Beatrice Sinclair. Presented by her mother. The Right Honourable, the Dowager Viscountess Sinclair." Announced one of the Queen's footmen.

Upon hearing their names being called, Beatrice and Esther walked down the aisle towards the Queen. Beatrice held her head high, unwilling to allow the crowd to see the anxiety that still remained within her. However, to the Ton the woman appeared to be completely composed. She carried herself with such grace and elegance that it was almost completely impossible to look away from her.

Anthony Bridgerton was no exception to this, despite not even knowing her name, he felt completely and utterly enamoured by her. Previously, he had been barely watching the event, however just seeing a glimpse of the woman had immediately captured his attention. The infamous rake was certainly not one for falling for a lady, but this couldn't be that, surely? He had felt attraction many times before, he had laid with a dozen women. The man knew what attraction felt like and this was certainly not the same. It felt as though a pit was forming in his stomach, gnawing away at him, demanding to be noticed.

The Queen's voice jilted the man back to reality. "Your beauty is unmatched, my dear."

"Thank you, your Majesty." The woman replied as the Queen leant down towards her, planting a small kiss on her forehead. As she returned to her seat, the women departed from the aisle, moving towards Percival in the crowd.

"Oh my goodness Percy, can you believe it? The Queen said my beauty is unmatched!" Beatrice marvelled in a hushed tone when she reached her brother. "I certainly did not expect that".

"I may jest sister, but you do look magnificent. Anyone who says any different would be a fool". Despite his teasings of his sister, Percival adored the girl. With her being his only sibling, and at times his only friend when they were alone at their estate, they had formed a close bond. Should any man wrong his sister, he would certainly start a war to protect her honour.

Beatrice loved her brother in the same way. Despite him only being a few years older than her, Percival was the only father figure she had left in her life after they lost theirs. He was only one and twenty when he became a Lord, yet he somehow managed to remain strong for his broken family, even through the grief and responsibility he faced.

Meanwhile, Anthony's gaze remained harshly at where the Queen stood, ignoring the small voice in his head urging him to glance at the beauty again.

Benedict, his brother, noticed this and lightly whispered into his ear. "What was got you so vexed brother?" A wave of curiosity was in his voice, yet the question was mainly made in jest, knowing his brother despised these sort of events.

"I believe this has gone on for far too long. I am becoming rather bored of seeing equally average women entering this room" Anthony huffed. He felt rather exhausted after the sudden wave that had hit him as the last debutant made her presentation. He was sure he would need to find another woman to lay with that night, seeing as though looking at all these women donned in the finest gowns was clearly frustrating him.

"The final debutant. Miss Matilda Gillingham. Presented by her mother. The Right Honourable Lady Gillingham".

Matilda walked down the aisle with an air of elegance that could even rival Beatrice's, yet Anthony somehow felt nothing. Obviously he had snapped himself out of whatever had occurred before. Pulling out his pocket watch, he checked the time. The presentations had been going on for hours, no wonder he was beginning to lose his mind. Thankfully this would be the last one, so he could leave this place and be free of the torment he was feeling.

Again he was broken out of his thoughts as the Queen spoke to the girl. "Beautiful."

Upon turning away Matilda lit up with glee, smiling so deeply that she swore her cheeks would never feel the same again. She knew she was attractive, but she never believed she was beautiful enough for the Queen to take note of it. As her gaze caught Beatrice's, her smile somehow grew even bigger. Despite her trying to face the ground, as to not show the crowd how overjoyed she was, it was evident to everyone in the room. Yet she struggled to be burdened by this since she was now sure that she and her dearest friend would have the most incredible season in London.

In addition to Miss Bridgerton's gracious
display today, it can also be said that Miss Gillingham and Miss Sinclair put on an
equally incredible performance. It is quite rare
for the Queen to offer two compliments
during presentations, but three, that is
almost unheard of. Either the Queen is
losing her talent for spotting diamonds and
is simply overcompensating, or this season
is filled with many incomparable beauties.
This author is inclined to believe the latter,
this season may be particularly
interesting indeed.

It may not seem like it at the moment but Anthony and Beatrice are going to be enemies to lovers, just you wait haha.

Sinclair (Anthony Bridgerton)Where stories live. Discover now