Chapter 1 Part 1 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?

Start from the beginning

About half hours later, the doctor has arrived. The doctor do a quick check up, but what makes Kim Rok Soo confused is, the doctor was just touching his hand, then he could feel a warm energy flowing through his body.

"How's he?"

"From the bottle that the butler give me, and after I check his body, I think he was drinking poison."

'What the fuck?'

Kim Rok Soo was lost of word.

He was just died a few moments ago, then got a new life just for dying again?

'Are you kidding me?! Whose God that send me into a suicidal kid's body?!'

"I will pay you as much as you want, but please save my son."

"I'll do my best to save the young master, My Lord."

More of warm energy flowing inside his body. Now, Kim Rok Soo feel little sleepy, and his energy slowly restored. He has enough energy to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw a man in his thirdty staring at him with a worried expression. The man then flinched when their eyes met, grabbing Kim Rok Soo's hand tightly.

"Cale! Oh, Cale, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

Kim Rok Soo frowned. The one that decided to drank the poison was the boy, but why did he apologize? He could see another person standing behind the sniffling man. It was a woman with perfect bun and stoic face. She just stay silent, but her face definetely look concerned.

The doctor let out a bottle of green liquid from a small pouch, making Kim Rok Soo surprised. A large bottle can fit inside small pouch? Now that interesting.

He gently help Kim Rok Soo drank the liquid. It's taste awful, but after he drank it, he feel way much better.

"My Lord, the young master is alright. Please give him this antidote twice a day. He might be get a fever, but he will recover soon."

"Thank you, Doctor-nim."

"If anything happen to the young master, please call me anytime, My Lord."

"Once again, thank you. Violan, can you accompany Cale for a moment? I will take care of the payment for the Doctor."

"Sure, Deruth. Ron, please brought me some water for compress Cale."

"Yes, My Lady."

'... Wait a damn minutes. Cale? Deruth? Violan? Ron?'

Kim Rok Soo began to sorted his mind. The name that he was heard before was a character from a popular otome game in Korea called [The Hero's Love].

So that's the reason why their name feels familiar to him.

According to his memory, Cale Henituse was a villain that always get in the MC's way in every route. He was the trash of the count's family, Count Deruth. He started acting like a trash when his father remarried with Violan. And about Ron ....

'He's a fucking wolf that hide behind sheep's fur!'

Ron Molan, he was heir of the fallen assasin family at the Eastern Continent. He ran away with his son, Beacrox, after their household destroyed. He then ended up being Cale's personal servant, while Beacrox is the Henituse's family cheff.

Cale Henituse fated to be death in every route. He always bullying the main character, and then ended up beaten by the love interest.

And now, Kim Rok Soo was transmigrated as that Cale Henituse.

'Shit, I wished to be a rich kid in my next life. But if I was fated to die like that, I prever born in a poor family!'

Kim Rok Soo, no, Cale just stare blankly at the ceiling, drowned inside his own mind. Violan who sat beside him bited her lower lip. She put the towell on her stepson's forehead, opened her mouth.

"Cale ... why did you do that?"

Cale flinched, then turn his eyes toward the woman.

'Fuck, what should I do now? Reason, reason ... ugh.'

"Are you ... really hate being my son that much? Is it because I married your Father?"


From Cale's memory, Cale Henituse never harm his family. He just ignores them and treat them like a stranger. If he thinks about it, Cale was acted like a trash when his father remarried. Maybe that really the reason? But for the current Cale, he had no problem with it. Afterall, this is his new life.

Should he answer it? Well, he was currently sick, maybe he can make that as a reason to avoid that question. Cale then opened his mouth, started to speak.

"I'm tired."

His voice sounded a bit shaky and soar. His eyes looks blank, as if the boy lost his will for living. The truth is, Cale just feel sleepy, and his throat was hurt. He said he was tired, hoping that two person would leave and let him sleep.

Unfortunately, Violan and Ron misunderstood what Cale's meant.

Violan's pupil began to shake, and so do Ron's. They didn't know what to say, or what to do at all. All this time, they just think the boy's trash behavior because his mother's death. They just think that's all, didn't really mind it. But to think that the child's situation is more worse than they thought, and maybe he was actually feel depressed. Pushing everyone from him, so he can commit suicide peacefully ....


There's a tears flow from Violan's eyes, makes Cale's eyes shook in shock.

'Wait, why is she crying? Did I say something wrong? I just said I'm tired, so she can let me rest.'

Cale then turn his gaze toward the old butlet. Ron was also shocked, but to Cale, his face look multiple scarrier than before. Cale avoid the old man's vicious gaze, scared to death.

"Please don't give up. I know you're not my son, and I know you also didn't considered me as your mother. But Cale, I will be here for you. Whatever anyone says, to me, you are also my child, like Basen and Lily."

Violan grab Cale's hand. It's oddly feel warm and full of comfort. Cale wonder why. It's already been a long time since he feel a mother's warmht. For someone who had an amazing memory like him, he even almost forget how's it feels. He really miss this feeling. Maybe because he was inside a children's body, he couldn't control his emotion. A tears began flowing from his eyes. He really didn't intend to cry, but the tears already betrayed him.

"Thank you."

Cale whisper softly. The warmth feel so comfortable. His heavy eyeslid started to close. Before he know it, he fell asleep.

Leaving Violan and the butler in hysterical state.


Hi, it's me again lol.

Actually I already write this fict at AO3 like two months ago? Anw I decided to publish it here and cut it to several parts cuz one chapter is too long lmao. Seriously what hit me that time to write 7k words for one chapter? 🙏

Tbh I kinda lost my writing mood, that's why I tried to reread all my fict, hoping it can bring my writing mood back :(

Welp, let's hope I can write again soon!


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