WordgIrl- Tobey's Missing Part 1

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[DISCLAIMER: I crafted this story on a Youtube video comment section.

 Seen here: https://youtu.be/xwMT4B8g6yY

As such, there may be spelling errors and grammar mistakes(oh the irony). If you notice any, please let me know. Also there will be summarized segments spliced into detailed sections. I hope to rewrite this story in the future to feel more natural and in depth.]

On a quiet day in fair City, Becky Botsford is busy looking around the City Science Fair.

"I love coming to the Science Fair," Becky thinks to herself. "There's always something new to learn."

As she's walking around, she notices that Tobey isn't there. Tobey is a fellow student and a self-proclaimed science enthusiast, so his absence is unusual.

"Hmm, where could Tobey be?" Becky wonders.

She decides to visit his house to see if everything is okay. When she arrives, she sees that the police are already there. Worried, Becky transforms into Wordgirl to investigate.

"What's going on here?" Wordgirl asks Tobey's mother.

"It's Tobey," she responds. "He's in his room, but he's been turned into cheese! I don't know how it happened."

Wordgirl is shocked. "Who could have done this?" she asks.

Wordgirl decides to visit Doctor Twobrains.
"It wasn't me," he says. "I don't even have a gadget that could do something like that. But I might be able to help you turn Tobey back to normal."

Wordgirl is skeptical but decides to hear him out. "What do you need?" she asks.

"I need some specific parts to make a gadget that could reverse the transformation," Twobrains explains. "I'll need a few days to build it, but I can get started right away if you help me find the parts."

Wordgirl reluctantly agrees to the deal and spends the next few days helping Twobrains gather the necessary electronics. Meanwhile, Becky and her friend Bob visit Tobey's room with his mother's permission to investigate.

"This is so strange," Becky says as she looks around Tobey's room. "Why would someone turn him into a cheese statue?"

As she's searching, she finds Tobey's journal underneath his mattress. She begins reading and learns about Tobey's past as a robotics prodigy in his old city. She also learns about his struggles to fit in after moving to Fair City and his crush on Wordgirl.

"He's not a villain, he's just a scientist who feels unappreciated," Becky thinks to herself.

A few weeks pass, and Twobrains still claims that the Normalizer ray is not yet complete. Wordgirl is growing frustrated with the delay, but Becky is using the time to continue reading Tobey's journal.

"He really cared about Wordgirl," Becky says to herself as she reads. "But he realized that they could never be together. It's so sad."

The reading ends as Bob discovers a Lexiconian device in Tobey's bedroom. Becky is shocked and asks where Tobey could have gotten this, and then they realize they haven't been at the ship lately. Becky turns into Wordgirl and rushes to her secret lair to discover it's been ransacked. She and Huggy clean the place up and notice nothing else seems to be missing. Wordgirl then asks Huggy what the device is for, and he says it's "nothing important, just a broken communicator".

A few more weeks pass as Dr Twobrains still claims the Normalizer ray is not yet complete. In the meantime Becky continues reading from Tobeys journal discovering his deepest most inner thoughts. She reads about how he thinks of Wordgirls as a beautiful red fairy descending from the sky. Becky giggles and remarks about how she doesnt think of herself as a fairy. She then continues reading about how Tobey garnered a crush on Wordgirl. This does not surprise Becky as she's known for a while. Becky continues reading about how Tobey kept trying to win her affection through building bigger and better robots trying to defeat her in battle and such. Tobey eventually discovered her hidden lair and all the gadgets and gizmos from every other villain shes collected. The only object of his that she's kept is Wordbot, and written on the place says "Another one of Tobey's failures." Tobey then realizes that Wordgirl never harbored feelings for him no matter how hard he tried. As Wordgirl and Captain Huggyface returned to their hideout from a mission, Tobey slipped out the back. Becky discovers the next few pages of the journal has been torn out. She skips ahead to the next available page which only says."I was a fool to think she could ever love me. She's a hero, and I'm a villain. We're just too different, she belongs with the city and I dont belong anywhere. "The journal ends there as Becky is left feeling sad and unsure of herself. Becky decides that once Tobey is unfrozen she will try hard to become his friend as Becky Botsford. Wordgirl sees Twobrains who still claims the ray is bot finished and presents Worsgirl with a list of new parts. Wordgirl says its been weeks and demands to know why the normalize ray is not yet completed. Just then, Two Brains' henchmen appear and ask the boss if Wordgirl is yelling about the Normalizer ray he finished weeks ago. (One of them even pulls it out.)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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