☄️Secrets Nancy/Mike

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~Set after season 3 only the Byers never moved~

We were all sitting in my basement, watching goonies per Lucas' request.

"Hey I'm not gonna lie I thought we were all goners FOR SURE!" Lucas laughed, "Ya me too." Robin agreed, Nancy (my sister) and Jonathon walked downstairs bringing snacks.

We were all kinda laughing and hyping each other over the crazy shit we all pulled to beat the demogorgan when Dustin made THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER.

"Honestly El, I always underestimate your powers it was just when you saved Mike from that cliff-" He trailed off, I swear to god-that whole time I was doing the 'cut it out' gesture but he didn't notice.

"Wait what cliff?" "Uhhh..." me and Dustin did the same awkward sound, both trying to figure out what to say when El joined in. "Well two boys, mouth breathers obviously-"by now everyone was staring and listening silently.

"And they were playing dentist? That's what Dustin told me but Dustin was yelling not to do 'it' and Mike was walking towards the edge." "Okay" I laughed nervously "That's enough story time hey anyone hungry? You know Lucas I'm sure my parents got the new Coke-" "Shut it Mike." Lucas shushed me. Not gonna lie I was a little offended. "But you know I want some after-" "How bout now?" "No, El continue."

"Um I don't think Mike wants me too..." El said, thank god! "No no, I'm invested what happened?" Steve asked "Yeah. Mike what happened." Nancy asked, much more aggressive and through gritted teeth ooooh shit that's.

"AndElsavedushappilyeveraftertheend." I said quickly as possible praying nothing would come of this.

"Mike. Can I talk to you in the hall." Nancy asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. "Sorry." Dustin whispered as I followed my older sister upstairs to the kitchen.

"Mike, what happened?"

"Well um, basically."

"Spit it out!"

"Okay fine! A certain 2 people appeared, and they don't really like us, at Wills death assembly they were laughing, I got mad so after when everyone was leaving one thing led to another and I pushed him, he said I was so called 'dead for that wheeler' but before he could do anything El squeezed his bladder and he pissed himself! IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL!" I exclaimed.

"Then later on, when me and Dustin were looking for El because when me and Lucas were fighting wordly I pushed then he pushed back and it turned physical El threw him off me and he 'could've died' in his words." This is when I noticed she'd not spoken since I'd started.

"Well we were searching for El when said 2 people came around, let's call them T and J. T yelled at me saying I had to tell him how I made him piss himself or he'd 'take Dustins baby teeth away' so Dustin told the truth he said that our friend had super powers and she did it with her mind! T then threatened us a bit then I, well uh." I nervously laughed again, thinking it back I wouldn't change anything but it's a little weird thinking about it.

"Well Dustin was yelling not to do it, T kept mocking Dustin, so I walked off the edge." Her eyes grew wide and her mouth went into an O shape.

"I fell for like a second, but then I started floating, it was El. She'd caught me. The three of them ran to the edge and she slowly leveled me up to the ground again then she made J fall and broke T's wrist." I explained. Nancy stared at me for a second then hugged me forcefully.

"My god Mike." She let go, lunched my arm the hugged me again. I tried defending myself but I think I made it worse, because she hugged me even tighter and I felt a damp sensation on my shoulder and sniffling. "Nance." I smiled whispering.

"Let's go downstairs." She said smiling through tears. "Yeah." We walked downstairs and Lucas, Steve, Will and even MAX ran to hug me while Dustin and El looked sheepish mouthing 'sorry' I laughed and hugged the others back "Guys it was ages ago and I don't even remember it anymore." That was my second lie of the night.

Sometimes I think about what would've happened if Dustin yelled that bit quieter, if maybe El didn't come.

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