Cupcakes and Celebratin'

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As her face lit up with happiness, she flung her arms around him and buried her face in his neck. Instinctively his arms wrapped around her waist, and he laughed aloud, her joy infectious.

"Never doubted it Doll. Now go and tell your Ma and Steve." With a final squeeze of his arms, he let her go and she rushed up the stairs into the apartment, shouting for her mom and brother. Bucky turned to follow but then changed his mind. He could come back later and hang out. In fact, he should probably sort out some sort of celebration.

After dinner, Bucky made his way back over to the Rogers' apartment. Climbing the stairs, he met Steve and Betty's mom on her way out.

"Hi Mrs Rogers, are you still workin' the night shift?"

"Oh, hello James, yes, I'm afraid so. The kids are both inside. I see you brought your homework?" She said, motioning to the satchel that Bucky had slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah, homework, of course" he smiled.

"Well don't stay up too late studyin'" Mrs Rogers said warmly.

"Definitely not, Mrs Rogers. I hope you have an easy shift".

"Thank you, James. See you soon."

Bucky gave Mrs Rogers a wave and headed on into the apartment. Steve was sketching on the sofa and Betty sat at the dining table, her head buried in a book as usual.

"Hey you two," he said, immediately feeling more at home than he did in his own apartment.

"Hey Buck" greeted Steve, glancing up from his drawing.

Bucky didn't even get a response from Betty, who was lost in her own world.

"Hey bookworm!" Bucky said, a little louder this time.

Betty's eyes lifted from her page. "Yeah?"

"Close your book and socialise for once"

"Put a sock in it, Barnes, I need to finish this chapter."

"No way Doll, not today"

"DOLL" Steve mouthed at Bucky, raising his eyebrows. Bucky just smiled and shrugged.

"It's not every day you get a scholarship to nursin' school." He continued. "I brought us a celebration!"

Looking decidedly pleased with himself, Bucky reached into his satchel and pulled out three rather squashed cupcakes and a bottle of alcohol.

"Is that liquor?" Steve looked horrified.

"Yeah, brandy. Ma won't miss is and its perfect for celebratin'."

"C'mon Buck, we can't drink that" admonished Steve.

"Don't be such a square Stevie-boy, it's your sister's celebration." Bucky teased. "It's not like you haven't sneaked a few beers before anyways."

"STEVEN!" exclaimed Betty, hands to her cheeks in mock horror.

"Beer isn't the same as liquor." Steve grumbled, eyes flicking between the two of them.

Sighing in resignation, Steve got up and went to the kitchen to get some glasses and napkins for the cupcakes whilst Bucky poured them all a generous glass of brandy.

"Well then, genius, what shall we toast to?" Bucky asked.

"Umm, how about the future?" suggested Betty. "And also thank you. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than gettin' sauced with the best little brother and the biggest pain in my ass. Cheers!"

Betty took a big swallow from her glass, shuddering as the alcohol burned her throat.

"Cheers Doll." Winked Bucky, taking a swig.

"Congrats sis." Said Steve, eyeing his glass suspiciously but deciding to take a drink anyway. "Jeez that tastes like shit!" he coughed.

"Language Steven!" laughed Bucky.

The cupcakes had long since been eaten and the sky had faded from orange to midnight blue. The brandy bottle lay empty on the table, the remainder shared out between their three glasses. The trio had played a few card games but that had dwindled to raucous conversation about Steve and Bucky's antics whilst the wireless played in the background.

Steve was drifting out of the conversation more and more and was looking decidedly green around the gills.

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna be... gonna be..." Steve never got to finish his sentence as Bucky whisked him over to the kitchen sink and held him upright as his stomach emptied.

"Ohhhkay Steve, time for bed," said Bucky.

"I'm fine Buck, I'm fine. I just need to rest my eyes a sec..." Steve slurred as his eyes drooped and he started slumping downwards.

"Woah buddy. Bedtime. Now." Bucky repeated, his arm around his friend, holding him upright.

"You get him in bed Buck, and I'll sort you some blankets and stuff." Said Betty, inclining her head towards Steve's room.

"No worries, Doll." Bucky guided the staggering Steve over to his room, quietly responding to his drunken protestations.

Betty cleared the sink, collecting blankets for Bucky to use on the sofa, turned on radio on low, and then sat back down at the dining table, nursing her drink. She was feeling pretty buzzed herself but wasn't quite ready for bed yet, the excitement of the day still running through her.

"Honey, the baby's asleep," joked Bucky, closing Steve's bedroom door. He came and sat at the dining table with her, picking up his own glass and swirling the contents.

"This stuff really does taste like shit." He said, earning a laugh from Betty. "So, what's the plan then? Nursin' school, then what? Hospital? Army Nurse Corps?"

"Military? No, thanks. I wanna help make a difference in Brooklyn, like Ma."

"Makes sense," nodded Bucky. "She'll be proud of you no matter what though." His blue eyes stared at her and then he gave a rakish tilt of his head. "Listen Doll, they're playing our song!"

"We don't have a song, Buck." Betty scoffed.

"Yes, we do, it's this one! Dance with me!" Grabbing her hand, he pulled her up and he spun her around in a shaky circle.

"Buckyyyy!" she protested, although she laughed. "We're far too buzzed for this. I'll fall over!"

"Never!" he exclaimed and continued twirling around with her.

"You're nuts, you know that. A total pain in my ass." She laughed breathlessly. As the song finished, they both collapsed on the sofa, grinning. Betty yawned widely, and then giggled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I guess I should go to bed. Thanks for today, Bucky. For all of it."

"Any time, Doll, any time."

Impulsively, she pecked a kiss on his cheek and stood up. "Night."

"G' night" he waved.

As she closed her bedroom door behind her Betty leaned back against it. That was weird, she thought. A day when Bucky wasn't really being a total, skirt-chasin', ass. In fact, when he tried, he could be kind of...sweet. Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes at herself. Don't be ridiculous, Rogers, she admonished herself. Go to bed. You're obviously drunk.

Out of Time (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt